Rush, I llove you— but I’m taking a break.
Rush fails top observe facts. The question was “ If abortion is deemed illegal, will there have to be punishment for violators? DUHHH. Name a criminal law that doesn’t have punishment for violators? The law now is to allow the killing of babies but if it changed, would there be punishment? You bet!!We get 4 Scotus appointments with Trump. Baby killing will be illegal as hell.
I am convinced now more than ever that Trump is A DEMOCRAT PLANT!
Mission Accomplished!
Unfortunately for you, Rush, the gaffe apparently hasn’t hurt Trump’s numbers.
Shaddup, Limbaugh.
That is sacrosanct and no one ever question what they do, is wrong or face punishment.
In the end though, they will be judged, like us all, by an Authority much much higher than The President or Judicial system....
Well, I agree that Trump’s off the cuff remark was a disaster - but only because it exposed for all the world to see the hypocrisy of The Conservative Movement and its phony “pro-life” platform.
OBVIOUSLY, if abortion is murder, and if the only actor able to give the kill order is the woman, then the woman is the murderer. If you want to make abortion murder (which is already a crime), then you have to punish the murderer.
Since almost no official “pro-life” people want this, and since he who says “A” says “B”, it’s quite clear that the pro-life activist movement isn’t serious. The “murder” here is a metaphor. You must reach the same conclusion about the Catholic bishops who condemn the guys who kill abortionists - it’s not a REAL baby, because if it were - if somebody started killing three month old children and you killed him to stop him, you’d be a hero.
I don’t believe for a second that Trump is constructively pro-life. But by taking the arguments of the pro-life community to their logical conclusion, he’s made them look bad.
Maybe the subject will burn itself out before the election as far being leftist frenzied talking points. It’s too bad that the politicians on our side don’t calmly speak the truth about the fact that abortion is killing a human being and every innocent human being deserves to be protected. Trump is wrong about this. He has backed up and not stood up for what is right. This is a crack in his wall. He needs to come out calmly and sincerely on the side of life. This will work for him. Folding doesn’t.
and it’s not getting any better this evening....
Link to CNN story on Trumps latest FLIP-FLOP on Abortion.
Trump should have stuck to his guns and forget about being politically correct...all he did was hand the Dems a big ol hammer to beat him on the head with..
All that was an intro to a LifeLock commercial.
The world has just gone nutz.
Sadly, that’s true. It’s been a disaster for pro-lifers, and has resulted in headlines all over the world that undermine the pro-life cause. This is what they have always wanted to think about pro-lifers, and Trump, who recently “discovered” that he’s pro-life, gave them exactly the ammunition they needed.
Way to go, loose cannon.
There is no point in trying to defend Trump in any way on this. He simply needed to be smarter, spot the trap, and avoid it entirely. Instead he stepped onto the leaves and fell 10 feet into a ditch in the ground.
I can’t believe Rush is a still talking about this, i turned him off
His constant attacks on Trump is sad.
Never thought I would say this,
What an idiot
What has happened to WOMEN that they SO MANY want to KILL their OWN BABIES???? And VOTE for other people that want MORE DEAD BABIES!!
What we’ve discovered out of all this is that the mainstream pro-life movement is actually pro-choice. Sorry, but if you support giving women a free pass to abort at will, you’re pro-choice, and you obviously don’t really believe that an embryonic life is equivalent to a born life.