Happy to see at least one candidate with a brain opposing it.
I agree with Cruz on this.
As if you needed further proof of the RINOs’ moistened-finger-in-the-air political ethos.
Registration for the selective service is a poison pill for women in combat.
Guess those losers are happy to have girls fighting for the country, since they never did. If they volunteer, it’s another matter, but supporting the drafting of girls should disqualify any man from office.
I hope someone asks Fiorina about this - it would be hilarious if she came out against it and against women who infantry units. The “are you nuts” coming from a woman would carry a lot more sting.
In the interest of Affirmative Action, 30,000 females should be drafted into the Infantry every year for the next 20 years.
Traditional sex roles are consistent with biological reality. People who cannot accept them are not examples of virtuous living. Those who seek to legislate against them are not forward thinking idealists, but seriously troubled neurotics.
Christie, Bush, and Rubio obviously do not have a clue about today’s military. Less than 30% of young adults can even qualify for service in any of the branches of our military. It is even less than that for women than for men. The primary reason is that our current group of Americans of the appropriate age are too fat, out of shape and sickly to be of any use to the military.
Until we figure out how to drag our young people out from behind their TVs, video games, computers, tablets, phones and other distracting past times and get them to eat right, exercise or perform a little manual labor the draft is an arcane concept. Our current military is made up of the very best of their generation. To imply that the rest of them could just be drafted and fit right in is an insult to the young professionals that currently make up the bulk of our enlisted military.
I profess that selective service is unconstitutional. If american men can not be convinced to defend the nation then the defense of the nation is not justified, and the nation should fall!
Women in combat is obscene, unnecessary and genocidal.
Just my opinion!
Once again Ted Cruz proves he is more intelligent than ANY three of the other candidates. (And, yes, you T.Rump.ites, that would include The Donald and any two of the other candidates.)
Of course it’s nuts.
The concept of “women and children first” is fundamental to civilized society.