A user from Reddit.com recently discovered a shocking revelation:
Dan Gabriel is the founder of Applied Memetics, LLC and also happens to be an ex-CIA counter terrorism officer. His company has been hired by the US Army in the past, and has ties to George Soros, although somewhat distant. It is completely obvious at this point that the Cruz campaign is using dirty, underhanded tricks to undermine Trump campaign. This is probably the start of a large online smear campaign funded by the Cruz campaign.
Click here for an archived article about it.
Applied Memetics IP address also runs on same server as Hungarian NGO business type of company that just happens to have Soros and other shady characters on the board of members. There is also a national security provider tied to US gov that uses same telephone number as applied memetics.
The company specializes in SIGINT, online shilling, and what might be called propaganda. Gabriel was the one who pushed the angle that Carson was dropping out. After being caught the agent deleted the tweets and denied everything. However, other twitter users took a screenshot and saved his tweets and their exchange.
Big Brother IS WATCHING!
There are a lot of people on this site that have not dug into the people surrounding Cruz. He is not an outsider. High level intelligence people and people from Goldman Sachs are involved with the Chertoff Group.
Chad Sweet’s wife is CEO of North America for Accenture. Ahem... H1B visas...ahem..intelligence and defense services around the world.
Seems to me the players are being connected, and the outcome isn’t too good for Mr. Perfection.
Each day my decision becomes more justified.
Chad C. Sweet, Ted Cruz/s campaign chairman, formerly w/ DoD/CIA/Goldman Sachs.
(Cruz/s wife is on hiatus from her $700,000 Goldman Sachs global lawyer job. Is she getting paid by the campaign?)
Sweet co-founded the Chertoff Group w/ Michael Chertoff....Chertoff is Obam/s ex-DHS Secy.
Sweet advocated for expanding NSA metadata collection.
FYI---Chertoff and Sweet are raking in millions ..... from those much-maligned whole body imaging scanners being used to perform full-body scans of airline passengers to detect hidden weapons, and the like.
Chertoff went from public employee to buck-raking enterpreneur in a nanosecond.
In other news:
Meet Cruz/s ex-CIA PR guy, Dan P. Gabriel. Gabriel is involved in SIGINT aka interception - which is turned into propaganda. His twitter handle is @danpgabriel and he was one of the people pushing the angle that it was confirmed to the Cruz campaign that Carson was dropping out. After called out on the lie, the agent deleted the tweet and denies everything in typical spook fashion:
Cruz is disgusting.