Chad C. Sweet, Ted Cruz/s campaign chairman, formerly w/ DoD/CIA/Goldman Sachs.
(Cruz/s wife is on hiatus from her $700,000 Goldman Sachs global lawyer job. Is she getting paid by the campaign?)
Sweet co-founded the Chertoff Group w/ Michael Chertoff....Chertoff is Obam/s ex-DHS Secy.
Sweet advocated for expanding NSA metadata collection.
FYI---Chertoff and Sweet are raking in millions ..... from those much-maligned whole body imaging scanners being used to perform full-body scans of airline passengers to detect hidden weapons, and the like.
Chertoff went from public employee to buck-raking enterpreneur in a nanosecond.
In other news:
Meet Cruz/s ex-CIA PR guy, Dan P. Gabriel. Gabriel is involved in SIGINT aka interception - which is turned into propaganda. His twitter handle is @danpgabriel and he was one of the people pushing the angle that it was confirmed to the Cruz campaign that Carson was dropping out. After called out on the lie, the agent deleted the tweet and denies everything in typical spook fashion:
I should have waited for your excellent bird dogging of the reality.
I spent close to an hour goggleing and just scratched the surface of what you posted.
At the very least there's a huge conflict of interest here. What Ted SAYS is in total CONFLICT with what Heidi does and has done (involvement with Robert Zoellick, Robert Paster). There's no way to reconcile it, assuming Ted is truthful about his beliefs---he and Heidi are 180 degrees apart.