For all this talk about how Cruz is “the smartest guy in the room,” he sure does make some stupid mistakes at times. Even if by “New York values” he is talking about NE liberalism, he ought to be canny enough to anticipate how the optics will be turned on it.
what turned me off was pitting state against state.
I’ve never EVER heard of that as a strategy.
and yes, saying one’s state’s values or better or worse than another state’s is divisive.
i wont vote for such a person.
plus what he says and what he does dont match up too well.
but i turned a blind eye towards those other things.
this put me over the top.
and the IRONIC thing is many on the board who are agreeing with him are voting for TRUMP, Mr. NYC himself!!
i am too, but I live here. :)
I think you're right. When people who live in NY STATE, not NY CITY, hear "New York", their minds do not go to NYC. I'm one of 'em. If a friend tells me "it's supposed to snow in New York today", I think, "So Mom will be getting snow at the farm." The farm is near Buffalo. So when Cruz makes a statement like that, NYers outside of the City have an immediate negative reaction. Sure, after a while they'll process it and maybe deduce that he meant NYC. But there are two things: (1) DID he mean NY City? We don't know for sure. (2) NYers' -- upstate, western, southern tier, etc. -- first reaction was negative. I guess that's what you mean by "optics". Even if they finally think he might've meant NYC, that negative feeling was first. It's like the saying, "You have only one chance to make a good first impression."