Put them in front to kill Islamic Terrorist since women killing them send them even in their mind to a hell.
Move out? Shouldn’t it be move on? I know Marines aren’t the smartest of them all....probably most patriotic but smarts was never attached that them.
Go Navy - Beat Army!!!!!!!!!
Make them register for the draft...
Now hear this. Prepare to abandon ship. Women and queers first.
So what is Hillary Clinton’s position on this?
Cannon fodder
Ted or Trump need to make fumigation of the Pentagon their first priority.
Political aspirations.
End of story.
how watered down are the requirements going to be?
How is a 120 pound woman going to drag a 200 pound man off of the battlefield in an emergency?
how much can she carry on her back and for how far?
but this issue is so stupid that it’s wasted breath.
I can’t wait till Trump or Cruz plays out the Godfather baptism scene with all the current government and military heads.
figuratively, not literally :)
Marines are trained to obey civilian authority.
Unfortunately, Congress has abdicated its oath (”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...”) to ensure that that authority, the Commander in Chief, is obeying his oath to uphold the Constitution.
Rock - USMC - Hard Place
I would be certain to keep the names of all the push over generals so that President Trump can fire their sorry asses!
Mixed gender squads have been proven to fail against all male squads... Consistently.
This just insures dead marines when they confront all male squads
The concept is about to go into the “test to destruction” phase.
The Marine Corps was the only service to request that some fields remain closed to women, citing a yearlong co-ed infantry experiment that found gender-mixed units underperformed all-male ones.
The truth doesn’t matter in Obama’s America.
Defining the racial/religious/ethnic/gender composition of a colonial occupation force that has become nothing more than mercenaries for big-government globalists is hardly an important issue, in my mind.
I am sickened by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, these so-called commandant, who suck up to Obama, who bend over for his every illegal in an order or commands. Yes yes I know he is supposed to be their commander in chief, but have these men no real honor any longer? Push back for god sake !or resign your position, like Jim Conway did. To hell with the political orders, the b******* directives. They’re going to do nothing but get good Marines killed.I am ashamed of these political career oriented commanders
Even in the USAF being in a unit with women meant that we men would have to pull double duty. Every time a woman had her period or got a headache they’d be at sick call. It got bad and so many of us made it a point to make sure we didn’t get saddled with a female for duty. I am not much of a fan of women mixed with men in the service and am opposed to women being anywhere near a combat zone.
Looking for the Generals and Admirals to resign has always been a disappointing wait.