Hahaaha Kasich is an idiot.
My favorite Trump/Kasich moment - “That’s why he is at the end”. I LOL’ed when I heard that !
I guess it depends on your definition of ‘support.’
My guess is that, that Kasich’s definition of ‘support’ is “this is Primary Candidate for whom I wish to vote.” This means that Trump is the FIRST CHOICE of 20% of the GOP. In a field of over 20 candidates, that ain’t bad. In fact, that puts him at the front of the field.
Maybe the GOP needs to hold an Australian Ballot style poll and see how many people have Trump as their second or third choice...
If, by “don’t support”, he means love and would crawl over broken glass to cast a vote for, then, yes, he’s right.
why is a nobody that 99.44% of people have never heard of —being interviewed on National media as some kind of official authoritative expert about anything ? This was just another waste of air time to avoid having to do any real reporting on serious issues that threaten the lives and futures of every American citizen (including o’s idlsmonazi invasion of USA, o’s continuing destruction of jobs and opportunities for Americans and our children, o’s sabotage of our military defenses, and his enabling (and funding) his Iranian islamonazi comrades to deploy nuclear icbm’s targeting our American cities) — dear network, stop covering up for our enemies and start doing your job as journalists
Of course, CNN will probably have the audience stacked one way or the other but we DO KNOW it'll be anti-Trump...and Kasich will most likely get standing ovations every time he opens his nasty yap.
What he is trying to say, if you can read between the lines and his exaggeration, is that it is the GOP-E who decides the presidential nominee, not the people.
The Leftist GOP-E(lite) via F. Chuck Todd are giving the big FU to Trump, his supporters, and any Pubbie who disagrees with them. But what more can you expect from Leftists?
What would Kasich no about support?
Well, John, 98% of the GOP doesn’t support you.
Go away.
Well, if Kasich actually believes that he should drop out of the race. Compared to him, Trump looks good. Kasich has demeaned his own party and attacked its core principles in this race - that’s hardly unifying.
Even if his numbers are accurate, it is the Republicans who are not true conservatives who hate Trump. True conservatives are those caring for the common good and the common man. There are few true conservatives in the Republican party and Kasich is a progressive Republican to boot.
I wish Trump would exhibit the Polish he must have underneath the bluster, but he does exhibit a caring and love for America and Americans no one else on the current scene does.
Americans have been abused long enough. And enough is enough!!!
On the other hand 100% of the voting members of my family do not support John Kasich.
The number Kasich is TRYING to come up with is about 70%, based on the most recent polling. However:
1) The vast majority of Cruz supporters will support Trump, if it’s between Trump and anyone other than Cruz.
2) I strongly suspect that a majority of Carson supporters will likewise support Trump, should Cruz not be in the running.
Add up those numbers (i.e., without Cruz and Carson) and Trump’s support is closer to 60% of Republicans...something no other candidate can hold a candle to.
Kasich knows that the little people just don’t understand whats good for them. They have to be led to the right candidate.
It has got to be pretty sucky for Kasich to know that the ONLY REASON he is still running is to try to get Trump defeated. He has been MORE THAN REJECTED by virtually the entire Republican voting base.
Flunked math didn’t you Johnny?
Didn’t he and Jeb promise to support the nominee, no matter who it is?
80 percent of the republicans dont support the American people and America
99.5% don’t support Kasich.