I took an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and domestic. Obama and the entire governmental apparatus qualifies in both categories.
The Constitution is sovereign - not congress, not the president, not the anti-American supreme court. What the constitution grants us, no elected or un-elected official can take away without violating their oath of office and committing treason.
A system like this will allow people to check to see if they are on a watch list- buy a gun and if NICS says NO with no reason, you are on a secret list.
And as for buying explosives at any gun show...
Are those assault rifles full auto or semi-auto? And where can they go to legally buy explosives?
It’s scary when a government can take away your self defense tools by placing YOUR name on one on THEIR lists. The Nazis and Soviets used to do this.
And guess who’ll the “suspected terrorists” will be? Anyone who’s a member of the NRA for starters.
For years, they’ve had millions of Americans with common-sounding Anglo names on these so-called no-fly and terrorist watch lists.
The frequent flyer web site has had threads for a long time about the hassles faced by people named Jack Smith, Alexandra Hayes, David Nelson, etc. Apparently, someone with one of these common American-Anglo names did something somewhere (not terrorism), and now everyone with the same name, and there are many, are on these lists.
Even the (now late) son of Ozzie and Harriet, David Nelson, used to get hassled at the airport because of his name.
People with these common Anglo names once appeared on 60 Minutes and detailed their problems trying to board a plane at the airport.
So, if these lefty senators get their way, these innocent people will now be denied their Second Amendment rights in addition to be treated like a criminal when they want to board a plane. Outrageous.
Don’t believe or support anything that di fi is associated with.
according to dimoKKKRATS anyone who belongs to the NRA is a terrorist.
Tyrants never sleep. Until they are dead.
Democrats should be forcefully exiled and sent to Europe as refugees.
Upon passage, veterans, Christians registered with their churches, and everyone whose name is on a 4473 or has had a gun background check will be placed on the terror watch list.
France has strict gun control, and it didn’t stop those terrorists from getting full auto guns and explosives for suicide vests. I guess they just bought all that stuff at a gun show in Belgium.
While we’re at it, I think we should block anyone that’s on the watch list from buying a crock pot.
Gun Owners Seen as Domestic Terrorists http://www.gunnews.com/gun-owners-seen-domestic-terrorists/
Hillary Clinton Compares Gun Owners To Terrorists http://bearingarms.com/awesome-hillary-clinton-compares-gun-owners-terrorists/
New DHS Training Video Targets Gun Owners as Terrorists: http://www.dcclothesline.com/2013/05/01/new-dhs-training-video-targets-gun-owners-as-terrorists/
U.S. reconstitutes group to fight homegrown extremists http://news.yahoo.com/u-revives-group-fight-homegrown-extremists-officials-155621629.html?
Obama Admin Revives DOJ Group To Fight Domestic Terrorists . . . Won't Go After Jihadists http://www.weaselzippers.us/188260-obama-admin-revives-doj-group-to-fight-domestic-terrorists-wont-go-after-jihadists/So it is easily within the realm of possibility that they would simply classify gun owners of the wrong sort as 'Terrorists' as an instant gun ban.
There is no constitutional rights for non-citizens regarding the second amendment.
And included in the Democrat definition of ‘suspected terrorist’ is anyone who attempts to purchase a firearm for any reason.
Simple plan. 1)Remove the right for anyone on the list. 2) Put everyone on the list.
Who doesn’t see this coming?
Ironic how self-loathing liberal Jews like Feinstein can so easily morph into nazis.
Once again the Rats propose that we give up our freedoms for a little security. Then they turn around and want to bring in tens of thousands of unvetted “refugees”.
What French gun shows did the Paris Islamic killers shop at, anyhow? Was it the one in Paris, Texas?
These SOBs really want a revolution.