CNN is doing the full-court press on gun control this morning.
Had to chuckle at Alisyn Camerota on CNN yesterday. She had on 2 guest commentators to discuss the need for more gun legislation/gun control, due to the shootings yesterday morning.
Both guest commentators said basically the same thing: More laws would not have prevented what happened. If a perp wants to get a gun, waiting periods and registration periods are not going to stop them.
Camerota had to pick up the banner and carry the more laws/gun control banner across the finish line. She tried to impose the feelgoodism argument and neither guest bit.
Then, she tried to turn the subject to criticizing Donald Trump for his views on gun control. Neither guest took the bait.
By the end of the segment, Alisyn did not have her happy face on.
The father of the murdered reporter this morning seemed to modify his position today: he said he was not against gun ownership, but wanted stricter background checks to weed out those with mental problems.
One reason so many with mental problems get/have guns is due to Liberals who have opposed institutionalizing people with mental problems. When the Libs opened the doors to free the mentally ill years ago, they created part of the problem.
As with many of these kinds of attacks — no law would have stopped them, if the perp really intended it.
None of the relatives/parents of recent killers reported their perp for having weapons, especially guns. Sandy Hook, the Charleston church, the Colorado theater — these all have in common a mentally unstable person who managed to get around any background checks and acquire guns.
Lemon must have missed the last three seasons of "Vikings" on the History Channel.
And Don, since you are an openly gay Black man does the shooting make you want to take down the Rainbow flags?
You borrowed my thunder. I was all set to type that in and the first thing I saw is your post. Oh well.
What a pipe dream to try to keep guns out of the hands of people, except police, etc. You will NEVER, NEVER, keep guns out of the hands of the bad people. There is always a way to get them. Heck, you can even print your own gun nowadays. So, the libs would rather have the innocent, law abiding people be sitting ducks waiting to be picked off. Schools should always have at least one trained person on campus at the bare minimum to protect our students.
Slowly but surely black conservatives are comming forth accepting the reality that Obama created this hyphenation of Americans using race for his own political purposes. Which Ive been posting here in FRs for years was employed as a political tactic to defer any constitutional questioning action of the 1st branch by the 2nd branch of government.
Here is what they’re saying
The sad part is we do have a black candidate now in second place in current polling running for POTUS who has yet to speakout on this matter. Until he will he does not deserve consideration to be our POTUS
That said - GO CRUZ!!!