Posted on 07/28/2015 9:27:19 AM PDT by SoConPubbie
Mitch McConnell is facing truckloads of criticism after he blocked a law that would defund Planned Parenthood, including from presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who called McConnell a liar on the Senate floor (and rightly so). And for some insane reason, this apparently made Brit Hume at Fox News lose his mind, because Hume decided to respond by attacking Cruz and labeling him a hypocrite.
Hi, Bret. The first thing you need to know about Ted Cruzs assault on Mitch McConnell is that its not about ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell. Its about ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Cruz entered the presidential race as the renegade hero of the anti-establishment right, the man who would call out his partys leadership for what he considered their weak-kneed ways. He raised some serious money early on, but his campaign never quite took off.
Then along comes Donald Trump who not only cruised past Cruz but everyone else in the Republican field. He did it while attacking his fellow republicans with abandon. When Trump himself was under attack for denigrating John McCains war record, Cruz refused to criticize Trump. He insisted his stance was born of fidelity to the eleventh commandment made famous by Ronald Reagan, thou shall not speak ill of any fellow republican. Last Thursday on this channel he went so far as to tell Neil Cavuto scripture teaches that if someone visits evil upon you, you should repay them in kindness. Thats from first peter, chapter 3.
Two days later ted Cruz is on the Senate floor calling Republican leader McConnell a liar. So much for Ronald Reagan and so much for Saint Peter.
It may have shown Cruz to be an obvious hypocrite, but for one day at least he trumped Trump and that means mission accomplished.
Is Trump paying Hume off or something? Because absent that, this entire rant is completely nonsensical and makes no sense — why should we not call out GOP leadership when they renege on a promise and so utterly fail us?
...this entire rant is completely nonsensical and makes no sense....
Brit is now a member of Obamugabe’s Choom Gang. Clouds the mind.
You have to have respect to lose it. Hume lost respect a long time ago.
Hume didn’t like Newt either, I believe he’s a big government guy.
“nobody is discussing any confirmation that McConnell did in fact lie.”
or denying he lied.
Apparently he’s going to be McConnell’s line of defense. I knew that if ole Mitchy didn’t personally defend himself, that meant that he was lining up GOPe-friendly mdia figures to do it for him. I knew he wasn’t going to just let it slide.
Why don’t we all sit back and do NOTHING and let the DC liars strip, bankrupt and ruin our country.
The poll up on another thread has him at 96% correct on what he did in the senate.
Yes, I don’t understand how conservatives are just starting to see it. Bill O’Reilly (”looking out for you”) was a huge clue.
I guess I do too.
He's always the smartest guy in the room and we should be so lucky as to see him elected.
That said, a little Ted Cruz goes a very long way.
The portly pepper-pot on Fox! Yes, Fox basically stinks. I especially hate Fox & Friends - you know, the folks who basically barbeque out on 6th Avenue even while the Twin Towers fall, lol!
My email to Hume....
You really are letting your “Jeb for President” feelings show...just wear the button. Cruz did that one from the heart, it had NOTHING to do with Trump, and it is a damned shame you tried to tarnish a historically significant event for Conservatives. How many times has the House Speaker ever been called a liar from the floor with proof? What McConnel did was the same crap Reid was doing, “filling the tree” for amendments, etc. he also killed a Planned Parenthood unfunding amendment. And tonight instead of covering that very real story, you twisted it. Tonight you gave McConnell a pass and instead accused Cruz of playing politics with Trump, missing the real story to take a Jeb Bush swing at Cruz, that is beneath you. I have always been one of your biggest fans...I’m 73, so a long time blew this one.
Hope others let him know!
Exactly. They have been living in the world of Bush II’s administration, the last time real conservatives could unreservedly support (however unwittingly on some issues) the GOPe’s man (we just didn’t know enough at the time to understand it, most of us. Kudos to those who saw the light earlier). The betrayals became more and more open starting with Colin Powell’s support of Hussein, then McCain. The more we pushed, the more open the GOPe was forced to become in pushing back, until now we have the likes Boehner and McConnell not even pretending to pay attention to conservatives or support the very platform they claimed to stand on in their campaigns (and we’re supposed to just forget what happened in MS with Cochran and the Barbour machine).
Yes, and are the lkes of Hume when the likes of McCain are calling conservative voters (obviously they have ditched the idea that they are our public servants) crazies, whacko birds, etc? When they flat-out lie about what they’ll do on behalf of the conservative platform while they’re running, and then make no bones about the fact that they will spit in our faces and do exactly the opposite once they get re-elected? I believe that Ronald Reagan would have agreed that their first loyalty isn’t supposed to be to each other, it was supposed to be to the voters who put them there. But enough of us obviously didn’t understand that they consider themselves part of a global elite, and what they do is to benefit that class and to entrench their own positions within it.
Bush is the Fox candidate. Everyone on Fox has to toe that line with certain limited exemptions for Hannity and maybe OReilley. Fox is not Conservative. It is CofC Republican.
Don't forget that the two liberal forty-something sons of Fox owner Rupert Murdoch officially take over the reins of the network three days from today....although it's a safe bet to say they've been running the operation for a while now in their breaking-in period.
You can tell there's new "progressive" bosses (same as the old boss!) in charge now when you watch and listen to the subtle changes in reporting, commenting, analyzing as well as the sudden weaseling and fence-sitting, by many of the network's personalities and pundits in the last couple weeks.
Consider that Megan Kelly worked for and was trained by Brit Hume.
Brit Hume is a butt boy for Juan Ellis Bush and the GOPe.
That’s why he had a hissy fit.
Brit was always a lib,POS, always
Great note, Sir! Thank you for sharing ~
p.s. I am currently “flying” George Washington’s Cruiser Flag as my Facebook Profile picture, An Appeal To Heaven
I believe is is fitting and appropriate to the times.
Great note, Sir! Thank you for sharing ~
p.s. I am currently “flying” George Washington’s Cruiser Flag as my Facebook Profile picture, An Appeal To Heaven
I believe is is fitting and appropriate to the times.
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