As a standard-bearer for conservative ideas, the WSJ is likewise be a catastrophe.
Power goes to people’s heads. Of course the editorial board of the WSJ knows that to be true in the political arena. What they seem to miss is that it is true in other areas as well. The power to influence and control people and their elections is a drug to the media, even conservative media. They will do and say anything to get more than their one vote, in essence, by smearing the ones they deem unworthy.
I don’t care if they like Trump or not. The ridiculous ganging up on him, though, is very lopsided and exaggerated and all about knocking him out so their favorite candidate can take his place. It is ugly and anti-republic.
Yes, it is very sad. They have clearly lost their way--and the gratuitous attack on the late Strom Thurmond is beneath contempt.
WSJ caters to the very rich. And the rich donors command and control 15 candidates running in 2016. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what is going on.
The cheap labor express is a huge motivator for the Wall Streeters.