You would think that ISIS crucifying children would catch the world’s attention, but if it takes a threatened sphinx . . .
coming soon to the west
First, I am offended that the elites are more concerned about artifacts than they are about the Christians and others being brutally slaughtered on a daily basis.
Second, why don't you go to Obama and ask him to draw another red line. Or else, go to your beloved UN and ask them to write a strongly worded letter asking ISIS to stop destroying these artifacts.
How do you destroy the pyramids?
How to stop ISIS?
Maybe a good Tweet campaign would help?
Kill them.
It’s not just ISIS and its dynamite.
Re-writing history, as is happening here in the U.S., is ultimately more dangerous than ISIS destroying artifacts.
What was that prescient George Santayana quote?
I will never stop using ISIS and substitute what Zero wants to rename it!
Destroy the Great Pyramid? That would be fun to watch(them try).
Did you ever notice how the democRats try to erase history just like the Muslims do?
“How can we stop ISIL destroying our cultural treasures? (Will destroy the Pyramids & Sphinx!)”
Just as the American Sharia is destroying any and every thing they disagree with.
Hell. Now they want to dig up the dead because they are offended by them.
Sorry, but we have enough problems here, the Arabs need to take care of their own problems. We have our own bunch of mad ISIS types we need to defeat.
How can we stop ISIL destroying our cultural treasures?
We won’t even stop the invasion of our own country.
Islam has been at war with everyone else since 622, the only way they will stop is if they are dead.
Physician, heal thyself. Start with the Kaaba.
We could stop ISIS in a week. We just don’t wanna.
Neutron bombs. Kills the vermin. Leaves the stuff.
A: Um, kill them.
After ISIS has blown up St. Peter’s and the Sistine Chapel, and while they are sawing off his head, the Pope will be apologizing for the Crusades.
“These travels took me to the heart of this ancient land – to the Assyrian cities of Nimrud and Nineveh, to Babylon, to the 2,000 year-old ruins of the great”
I think he’s full of it.
I was at Camp Alpha, Babylon at the time he claims to have visited and the base was not open to ‘journalists’ sight seers, etc.