I doubt that it will have any effect. It would really surprise me if it did....................
I just signed it. The comments are hilarious. It's already over 44,000. Another place to make a statement....Amazon. I purchased the two movies and season 1. Dukes of Hazzard is moving WAY UP in sales rankings!
It's the last thing I'll buy from Amazon. I can no longer trust them to not censor what I read, listen to, and watch. They disgust me in their arrogance.
Another place to go. Reelz's website. My cable company doesn't offer that station, so I signed up for the life-streaming option at the Reelz website. Let's make this the most watched pageant in TV history.
This is OPEN WAR through the media. By actions like this by millions it will have an effect.
The best thing that can happen is that the libs over reach.
A bunch of big shots and loudmouths have taken the position that the Confederate Flag and other southern memorabilia should be made less conspicuous.
If momentum swings and the memorabilia becomes thought of as something that should be preserved and cherished, the big shots and loudmouths will be exposed as the wimps that Trump complains about. I can’t wait.