I can hear it now.....”wait, don’t shoot that guy’s dog till I get my tape measure!”
Physical protection of Cops might make sense - making a record of their activities illegal makes no sense.
Let’s just start calling them the Gaetano and be done with it.
We need fewer commies in this country.
I’m NOT a badgelicker in any sense of the word. One can check past posts that I take each case in careful consideration, and lean heavily on the side of the citizen.
Police do need somewhat of a buffer zone to keep jerks from shoving cameras between them and a potential perp in the middle of a scene.
I’m all for recording it at a distance that gives all audio and video information. But one has to keep in mind, people are becoming presstitutes and paparazzi and are more bold to shove a camera in the face of someone or interfere with a scene.
And, according to anecdotal evidence, Thomas Paine was required to produce “press” credentials upon request of the officers of the crown.
Gee, I didn’t know cameras stopped recording 25 feet from the subject. This is a good idea...it isn’t the recording...it’s the distance. None of you kwould want a crowd of people standing five feet from you...cuz then you would have to watch everybody...and take your attention away from the suspect...not a good thing.
Villalba is kind of an embarrassment.
Sigh... I’m ready for his next election, I just moved into Dallas (from Collin) within the past year. He’s been really disappointing. I sent him an email about electing Joe Strauss, and he never responded.
Vilalba sounds like the perfect little fascist. Cops on the job have zero right to privacy. No one should interfere with a tough, dangerous job but photography from a reasonable position relative to the police action is no crime nor should it be.
Actually, I have to think about this one a little more. Will get back to it...
Absolute fealty to law enforcement knows no boundaries.