sad to see...wasn’t he held hostage in the middle east at one point in his career?
Yikes; rough way to go at 73. Or at any age. RIP.
Damn. And they just lowered the speed limit in NYC too.
They showed the accident scene on twitter, looked like the limo was hit on the side, very sad. I don’t watch 60 minutes but I do recognize his face..RIP
Yeah, sad way to go. RIP.
Haven’t watched 60 minutes in about 20 years or so, though.
Another dead MSM guy. Whatever.
(Like you’re not thinking that, too?!! Gimme a break).
“Christians of the Holy Land”
Sad (and ironic — IIRC he covered some pretty dangerous news stories at times).
Brian Williams witnessed the accident, but refused to comment, telling the reporter, “The news has become too much about me. Accordingly, I have voluntarily recused myself from further commentary.”
I hope his family finds peace. Just saw a pic of the car:
He seemed to be a straight up old school reporter. RIP.
I never cared for his employers but I am sorry to hear this news. RIP and prayers for his family.
OMG. I didn’t always like his reporting but I respected how much an obviously Jewish man would venture into dangerous territory in Arab lands to get the story.
The MSM takes another hit. Bad month for them.
It looks more like the front of the car hit an IED.
Sad to hear. He was one of the good journalists - he reported honestly, he kept his opionions mostly to himself, and unlike posers like Brian Williams, Bob Simon didn't embellish his reporting from war zones. In fact, he was tortured by the Iraqis.
Numbers 6:24-26
Bob Simon from Mount Athos. This is excellent. RIP sir. You did well.
Was his driver a mooslim?
Bad week for journalists. Things happening in *3s* .....Crissie Matthews your back. Meh.
Another reporter?
Suddenly dead?
In a car accident in NYC?
The only death, though the drivers will make it?
Simon did a number of anti-Israeli, pro-Muslim reports. Was he working on something that offended someone?