RE: ‘far right’ Le Pen surges
What the heck is ‘far right’? Somebody who wants a rational immigration policy? That’s extreme now?
Vive LePen!
Good thing there are no Far Left politicians.
Pray America is waking
I think a lot of Europeans are losing their fear of supporting parties that are mischaracterized by the left as “far right.” The lie that wanting to protect your country from dangerous aliens is shameful is losing its effect. I think many of our own voters are ready to reach that conclusion, as well, but unfortunately they don’t have anyone to vote for with both parties in the pockets of the invasion lobby.
What I truly wish for is a spiritual awakening in Europe and America. (actually, all over the world.)
That's better.
I notice nobody talks about the “Arab Spring” anymore.
I don’t know what qualifies as “far right” in France but I suspect it’s somewhat left from our point of view. I think I’ll reserve judgment on what longterm effect this will have on the French and Europe in general. We elected a Muslim a mere 7 yrs after 9/11.
This seems very familiar - leftist Frenchies would rather have daily jihadi attacks than have “the far right” gain political power.
Sounds like... sounds like.... McCain, McConnell, Boehner...
A sure sign of angry blowback coming.
It isn't, of course, a joking matter unless the humor is very bitter indeed, and the chronic sanctimony of the Left is beginning - only beginning - to ring a little hollow. The rock that is about to be dropped on the "we deserve it" crowd is long overdue.
if you are not a muslim loving/open borders leftwing nutjob you are labeled as “far right” in the media
FPÖ in austria used to be a neo nazi party but seems to be more on the side of the geert wilders now
Pegida in germany a anti islam/pro german movement that has banned known npd members from being at there rallies(npd are the real deal sieg heiling nazis)and has featured jews giving speeches at there rallies.
Lega nord in italy is anti muslim/italian nationalist pro Israel party