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Will Obama be impeached now that Republicans control both houses of Congress?
Renew America ^ | Updated November 20, 2014 | By Stephen Stone, RenewAmerica President

Posted on 11/26/2014 12:42:17 PM PST by Jim Robinson

Shortly after communist-mentored Barack Obama was elected to the White House in 2008, I asked a brother at a family gathering, "Who's going to be president of the United States in 20 years?" Without hesitating, he said, "Barack Obama."

More informed than most people I'd asked, he instantly got the drift of my question.

As I was thinking through the implications of the de facto communist coup that precipitated the question, however, I was struck with a realization that gave me some degree of hope in the face of our nation's heightened peril.

Although no major communist strongman in the world's history had ever walked away from ultimate power on his own, I noted that the USA was unlike any other country in its heritage of constitutional self-governance — and it would be interesting to see how well the charismatic, deceptive Marxist just elected would do in forcing his promised "transformation" (writ: destruction) of our country down the throats of unsuspecting Americans.

I foresaw an unprecedented cultural clash that in time could well disprove Hegel and Marx's naive vision of history, with the U.S. refusing to ingest the Machiavellian fare of Mr. Obama and his minions and instead convulsively regurgitating it up.

The 2014 midterms resoundingly confirmed my suspicions. After six tumultuous years of lawless deception and anti-American deceit, the doctrinaire community organizer was repudiated in shocking fashion by the American public.

No mas, as Sarah Palin would say.

Which brings us to the crucial question: What do the American people want to do with this opportunity?

Most dangerous time in 150 years

The midterm election unquestionably showed that most Americans want Obama stopped, not appeased. Yet Republican congressional leaders like presumptive Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner appear not to have gotten the message. They think the election was about them — not about Barack Obama.

Both have indicated they plan to "work with" Obama to "govern" jointly. This, despite the president's defiant words that he will not change course nor back down from his radical agenda.

The only way Republicans will govern jointly in the face of such intransigence is to willfully capitulate to the president's demands. That's not what voters elected them to do in sweeping Obama's collaborators out of office. They want the GOP to stand firm and put an end to Obama's inroads — not cooperate with him in furthering his anti-American purposes.

Somebody needs to wake up the dreamers in the GOP leadership. Have them read Washington Times columnist Charles Hurt's recent article "America faces most dangerous two years in 150 years."

The fact is, while voters — by the grace of God — gave our country a historic reprieve from deliberate ruin at the hands of the tyrant in the White House, if congressional leaders ignore the will of the people and instead push the GOP's presidential aspirations in 2016 ahead of corralling Obama, the momentous election just passed will be wasted — and not only will Republicans face a backlash in 2016, and with it the loss of the House, the Senate, and any presidential aspirations they may hold, but our country's lawless transformation could soon afterward be all but complete and unstoppable.

Future generations will look back on the current GOP leadership with contempt — naming names.

This is it, folks. This is likely our last providential opportunity to stop the Marxist transformation that Obama and his anti-American cohorts seek to force, cleverly and deceitfully, upon our nation.

"Impeach me if you can"

For months, Obama has dared Republicans to hold him to account for his open disdain for the Constitution by impeaching him. Understandably, Republicans have been reluctant to take the president up on his dare as long as the Democrats controlled the Senate and could easily block conviction and removal.

That response is no longer valid now that the GOP controls both houses of Congress — and also in view of Democrats' public distancing of themselves from Obama during the midterms, revealing disaffection with the man and his policies, reinforced by similar disaffection by many in the media, some of whom say Obama is "more dangerous to the media" than any president in history. (See here, here, and here.)

Republicans are thus without excuse if they don't take the current opportunity to put a timely end to Obama's dangerous, repeated dereliction of duty and abuse of authority, before he does our nation further harm.

How soon before Congress should begin impeachment hearings?

In August, I wrote,

No matter the exact timing, it should come reasonably soon. The longer Congress waits, the more mischief Obama will predictably do, placing our nation's security, solvency, and well-being at even greater risk.

The sole remedy

The president's "executive amnesty" (which, now imposed, will be impossible to undo), his reckless endangering of our nation through opening wide our borders, his infamous trading of dangerous Taliban commanders for a U.S. deserter in Afghanistan, his obvious scheme to allow Iran to have the bomb, his treasonous arming of Jihadists in the Middle East (including ISIS), his treacherous ties to terrorist sponsor the Muslim Brotherhood, his deceitful cover-up of Benghazi, his illegal Fast and Furious gunrunning scheme — these and other unAmerican or derelict actions make impeachment an increasingly urgent imperative.

No longer can the GOP simply rattle sabers and issue empty words while failing to invoke the Constitution's sole remedy to stopping the dangerous, lawless behavior we are witnessing almost daily in Mr. Obama, that being impeachment and removal.

CNN lied

Before saying another word, let me take a moment to debunk a widely circulated media myth regarding impeachment.

Last July, CNN ran a poll that falsely claimed two-thirds of Americans oppose impeachment. The claim was based on demonstrably flawed data meant purposely (it would appear) to defuse the growing grassroots impeachment drive.

Given the favorable response of both parties and the media to the bogus poll, the poll seemed to work. It had the effect of shutting down nearly all serious talk of impeachment from that point on, even in the conservative media.

Obviously, if two-thirds of the country are opposed to impeaching Obama, there is little point in pursuing it.

Just days before the CNN poll was conducted, the Huffington Post released its own impeachment poll — a more reliable measurement that showed an overwhelming majority of Americans DO NOT OPPOSE IMPEACHMENT.

According to the HuffPost poll, 44 percent oppose impeachment, 33 percent support it, and 21 are unopposed — for a total of 56 percent either supporting impeachment or having no firm opposition to it.

(We might add that a large number of the 21 percent who were reported as unopposed would now likely support impeachment — since Obama has continued to push his lawless agenda without letting up, even announcing he will go further now the midterms are over.)

In any case, there's no reliable data showing that two-thirds of the public oppose impeaching the lawless inhabitant of the White House, and there never was. The clever CNN poll was merely an attempt to counter the HuffPost poll with false methods and false data, and it arrived at its exaggerated number by counting those who had no strong opinion on impeachment as firmly opposing it. If you take the 44 percent HuffPost found to be opposed to impeachment and add the 21 percent it found unopposed ("not sure"), you get exactly the 65 percent CNN reported as firmly "opposed."

That's sheer deception on the part of CNN, and the poll should be discarded. (For a detailed analysis of the poll, see "A path to impeachment.")

Out-of-touch Republicans

Unfortunately, even without a false poll to mislead them, some in the GOP leadership appear not to perceive the dangerously subversive tenure of team Obama.

Back in April, as impeachment talk was growing nationally, I took the occasion at a Western Republican Leadership Conference to hand-deliver impeachment packets to several GOP leaders who attended.

Among those I gave packets to were Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Mike Lee, GOP National Chairman Reince Priebus, and a handful of congressional candidates. The packet included my March article "Do your part to impeach and remove Obama" and a few other items, including a column by Alan Keyes, a list of impeachable offenses by Obama, and a Pledge To Impeach that some of us at RenewAmerica and Dr. Keyes' Conservative Majority PAC had drawn up.

As I gave these out, I had positive conversations with these leaders or their staffers, and I felt my efforts were reasonably productive. I had an especially productive discussion with the campaign manager of a well-known congressional candidate.

I then approached our state's moderately conservative Republican governor, a longtime friend, and gave him a packet to look over and think about, expecting he'd take an interest. I was surprised at his hostile reaction: "What would you impeach him for."

Mind you, this was in the earlier stages of the growing movement to impeach Obama — before Obama's lawlessness had become widely acknowledged — and from a chief executive who was preoccupied with governing his state.

To bring him up to speed, I named off Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and few other impeachable offenses that immediately came to mind, and was met with resistance similar to that expressed by Republican House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, who told the press Obama "has not committed the kind of criminal acts that call for [impeachment]."

With his nervous bodyguard hovering close, I did my best to educate the governor, and left.

Several weeks later, when Obama's treasonable Bergdahl swap was announced to public outrage, I wondered if my friend the governor was paying enough attention to know that his question had been definitively answered.

That was six months ago, as the impeachment movement was just gaining steam. At this late point in America's crisis — with Obama's unconstitutional lawlessness unquestionably surpassing anything ever seen in our nation's politics — the growing sense among conservatives is that Obama definitely deserves impeachment.

In its July Poll, HuffPost found that fully 68 percent of Republicans favor impeachment, with 90 percent saying Obama had exceeded the limits of his constitutional authority. These numbers — undoubtedly higher now — indicate the GOP leadership, which generally opposes impeachment, is out of step with its base on so vital an issue as stopping the president's unlawful usurpation of power.

Time for GOP leaders to speak out

With Obama increasingly daring to be impeached, and a majority of Americans either supporting impeachment or being open to it, what our nation needs from the new GOP-led Congress is leadership not "cooperation" with Obama's disastrous, transformative agenda.

Since current GOP leaders can't be relied on to do what's constitutionally required to stop the president, new members of Congress — from both chambers — need to take the lead and boldly call for impeachment hearings. They can do so even before they're sworn in, to rally conservatives in the lead-up to impeachment.

Members of the Senate who weren't up for re-election likewise need to proclaim the same message with clarity.

For the sake of their own posterity, and out of respect for the electorate who put them in office, Republican legislators need to come together and get ready for the only real option left if America is to survive in liberty: impeachment hearings that are timely and competently conducted in the glare of public scrutiny.

All that's required for this to happen is for enough Republicans in Congress who have not been misled or intimidated by the media, the Democrats, or their own leadership about Obama's treasonable actions — or who are not in denialto speak out plainly and forcefully in favor of impeachment and removal NOW.

For starters, Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, James Inhofe, Pat Roberts, and their conservative peers should immediately stand up and — in accordance with their sworn duty — demand impeachment of Barack Obama and his innermost co-conspirators, including Vice President Biden.

Likewise, Representatives Trey Gowdy, Steve King, Steve Scalise, Walter Jones, Louie Gohmert, Jim Bridenstine, Dana Rohrabacher, and other House conservatives need to do the same, undeterred by self-serving members in leadership.

Newly-elected members of both houses — including Joni Ernst, Tom Cotton, David Perdue, Ben Sasse, Thom Tillis, Cory Gardner, Dan Sullivan, Mike Rounds, James Lankford, and Shelley Moore Capito in the Senate; and Dave Brat, Mia Love, John Ratcliffe, Will Hurd, Brian Babin, Alex Mooney, Barry Loudermilk, and other new conservatives in the House — also need to show voters they're serious about holding Obama accountable for his flagrantly unlawful, dangerous actions.

Beyond conservatives in the House and Senate, Americans need to hear a harmonious chorus from our nation's conservative spokespersons calling for impeachment. In addition to those already on record as doing so — such as Sarah Palin, Alan Keyes, Tom Tancredo, Joseph Farah, Allen West, Bryan Fischer, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and others — the leadership-starved public need to hear the following respected voices unequivocally affirm the urgency to expose, impeach, and remove the usurper in a timely, decisive manner:

Again...all that's needed for impeachment hearings to get under way — and thereby expose Obama's treasonable deeds and anti-American designs in wide-open House investigations in front of the entire country, with the prospect of convicting him in the Senate — is for enough respected conservative voices to insist on it, until Boehner, McConnell, and others in the GOP leadership are forced to act.

A matter of sacrifice and decency

Where are the professing leaders who care as much about their country as their career, acceptance, or security — or better yet, who "more than self their country love"? The public needs to hear from those who still have the decency, and courage, to take on the most lawless president in history and hold him to account — along with errant GOP officials.

Our country's future, and that of the rest of the world, hangs tenuously in the balance. Let's proceed.

A caveat

The weakest link in the above scenario is Speaker John Boehner, slated to be the president if Obama and Biden are removed. The new House of Representatives needs to give SERIOUS thought to replacing Boehner with someone capable of standing up to the administration's deceitful, fatal agenda.

For the sake of our nation's indentured posterity, as well our republic's very continuance in decent liberty, newly elected — as well as long-time — members of the House of Representatives must ensure that impeachment and removal are indeed possible, by choosing someone more attuned to the will of the people for their leader, one who might also be ours as a nation.

Under the Constitution, the Speaker does not even need to be a member of the House, so Republicans have wide latitude in choosing someone to lead the country, provisionally, during these difficult times until the 2016 election, when voters themselves can again choose a president.

Exceptional times call for exceptional measures, as well as exceptional wisdom. No matter who is chosen to replace Speaker Boehner—from within the House or from without—it’s imperative that House members take their sworn duty to preserve the Constitution seriously enough to act boldly and decisively in choosing a Speaker who could possibly be the next president.

A further caution

We end by raising again the specter of Obama's insatiable lust for power, with which we began this discussion. As we contemplate the compelling need to impeach and remove the president, consider the following exchange between Rep. Trey Gowdy and a witness before Congress in December 2013, as Rep. Gowdy wondered aloud if Obama planned to stay on indefinitely:

Prudence requires that we give Obama no further opportunity to weaken or destroy the Constitution, including the prospect of imposing, with his phone and pen, a change in term limits — or otherwise unilaterally altering the rules of governance. The best way to ensure he can't do so is to remove him post-haste.

Note: Permission is granted to use this article, all or in part, with appropriate attribution, and to disseminate it widely. Please share it with anyone who may be interested.

Other related articles by Stephen Stone:

A path to impeachment

Do your part to impeach and remove Obama

Is Facebook blocking RenewAmerica's impeachment drive?
© Stephen Stone

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: constitution; impeach; impeachment; obama
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To: Jim Robinson

This needs a satire warning.

41 posted on 11/26/2014 2:13:42 PM PST by kaehurowing
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To: Jim Robinson

I think Obama will go totally Insane and be Committed First

42 posted on 11/26/2014 2:14:44 PM PST by molson209 (Blank)
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To: kaehurowing

Nope. I’m 100% in favor of impeaching the serial usurper first opportunity we get. The House should file articles of impeachment in December with the Senate trial starting in January. Let them prepare and present the evidence.

43 posted on 11/26/2014 2:18:48 PM PST by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
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To: Jim Robinson
Will Obama be impeached now that Republicans control both houses of Congress?

I hope so. Time to man up!
I want supper to be served. >see tagline

44 posted on 11/26/2014 2:19:05 PM PST by philman_36 (Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
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To: Jim Robinson

But if he’s aqcuitted because they can’t get a 2/3 vote doesn’t that make things worse?

What I would do is issue censures on each his unlawful actions saying they violate the laws passed by Congress, and would include a warning to all government officials that his actions are unlawful and there could be consequences for any government official who follows Obama’s orders, and a warning to third parties that such orders are unlawful and do not create any legal rights or benefits.

45 posted on 11/26/2014 2:31:10 PM PST by kaehurowing
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To: kaehurowing

The constitution must be defended or it becomes meaningless.

46 posted on 11/26/2014 2:33:33 PM PST by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
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To: Jim Robinson
Will Obama be impeached now that Republicans control both houses of Congress?


But I'd certainly love to see him in the record books for Presidential censures (Jackson is the only president actually censured by the Senate) and bills he finds the need to veto (the number to beat is FDR's 635 vetoes).

47 posted on 11/26/2014 2:34:55 PM PST by Sooth2222 ("Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." M.Twain)
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To: Nuc 1.1

Obama has proven the Constitution can be changed “at will”. So just do it.

48 posted on 11/26/2014 2:38:59 PM PST by DrDude (Does anyone have a set of balls anymore?)
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To: FReepers; Patriots; FRiends
From US Senator Ted Cruz! (Of course)

Were half of y'all, our wonderful, loyal, regular users to reliably donate $5, $10, $20 or $30 Monthly, this FReepathon and all FReepathons would be events of the past.


49 posted on 11/26/2014 2:41:55 PM PST by onyx (Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
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To: Jacquerie
Neither of you clowns read the column.

Freely admit that I did not.

The headline did not seem to warrant a reading, to be honest.

I do think anyone here seriously believes that he will be impeached.

Ferguson just demonstrated a small example of what will happen if he is removed.

50 posted on 11/26/2014 2:43:23 PM PST by Michael.SF. (It takes a gun to feed a village.)
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To: Jim Robinson

“The constitution must be defended or it becomes meaningless.”

I am wondering where Article VI of the Constitution comes into play.

It states in pertinent part:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.”

Obama took such an oath, which he has violated numerous times. Millions of other Americans, whether as government officials, members of the armed forces, public safety and law enforcement, and otherwise, have similarly taken the oath. For example, I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic when I was admitted to my state bar as an attorney.

It seems to me that Obama can be removed from office because he violated the oath. Similarly, we have an obligation to take some sort of action against him because we have taken the oath.

But how that plays out in the real world, I don’t know.

51 posted on 11/26/2014 2:59:44 PM PST by kaehurowing
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To: Pearls Before Swine

“...Senate, which requires 67 votes. If the GOP has 54 seats in the Senate as of January, where are the other 13 Dem votes required for conviction going to come from?”

The other 13 won’t happen, so he won’t be thrown out, but I think the impeachment needs to go forward to document Obama’s willful disregard/shredding of the constitution and laws of this land.

52 posted on 11/26/2014 3:26:01 PM PST by Marcella (Prepping can save your life today. Going Galt is freedom.)
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To: Jim Robinson
What (R)'s have to do is not impeach Obama, but make his job as President as uncomfortable and constrained as it can possibly be made. And do it through the power of the purse.

In spite of all the golfing and vacations, Obama hates the job already, right?

Take away all the trappings and perks of the Presidency through defunding them and he will writhe in agony. Don't give him money to go to Camp David even for a little R&R. Ground Air Force 1. No Hawaii at Christmas. White House 24/7 baby -- until he just can't stand it!

Make him hate the job so much he leaves office of his own accord -- humiliated, diminished, mocked for failure and as a quitter.

Again, you don't have to impeach him: investigate, impeach, and destroy his underlings -- include Joe Biden, and as they plead for clemency, bleed them for information that exposes what we have all known all along about Obama.

Next subpoena his academic records once he's out - no Executive privilege to fall back on then, and expose who bankrolled his rise to power.

Let the IRS/Benghazi/Ebola investigations proceed in the House AND in the Senate. Whether Obola is in office or out, he's still liable and he'll just be the gift that keeps on giving into 2016.

Crawl back his pension. Defund his Secret Service detail.

Just quietly pay him back with the same passive aggression he's practiced since day 1.

See how long he lasts.

If you really want to solve the problem the real solution is far easier than impeachment.


 photo million-vet-march.jpg

53 posted on 11/26/2014 3:42:24 PM PST by Agamemnon (Darwinism is the glue that holds liberalism together)
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To: Jim Robinson

I’m all for impeachment. Let’s not worry about conviction until we get there. Step 1 is to get the House to act, to impeach.

54 posted on 11/26/2014 3:46:44 PM PST by Reno89519 (For every illegal with a job, there's an American without one.)
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To: Pearls Before Swine
The Republicans should just announce to the Democrats that a confidential communication channel is open for any Democrats willing to discuss impeachment, and that a certain degree of Democrat participation is a prerequisite to move forward with impeachment. Then the Republicans should just step back.

Just the existence of such a confidential "open channel" may well be enough to give Obama pause.

55 posted on 11/26/2014 4:12:06 PM PST by The Duke
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To: Michael.SF.

One word answer..........NOPE!

56 posted on 11/26/2014 4:18:33 PM PST by DaveA37
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To: Jim Robinson

Not a chance.

57 posted on 11/26/2014 4:20:42 PM PST by windsorknot
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To: DaveA37
I did not proof it. I meant to say: " I do not think anyone here believes he will be impeached"
58 posted on 11/26/2014 4:31:59 PM PST by Michael.SF. (It takes a gun to feed a village.)
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To: Jim Robinson

It might only take a few DINOs to get the ball rolling.

59 posted on 11/26/2014 4:34:41 PM PST by clearcarbon
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To: Jim Robinson

The elephant in the halls of Congress is that Obama is impeachment-proof because he is black.

Haven’t you watched the violent riots in the streets simply because blacks believe that a white cop shot a black man with no cause? They don’t care about the right or wrong of it. There are plenty of agitators out there who will fan the flames of racial conflict, screaming that Obama is being impeached because he a black man and whites don’t like him as President simply because he is black.

Try to impeach Obama and the cities of this country will burn because the black underclass has nothing to lose. Impeachment would make the Watts riots or the Ferguson riots look like a walk in the park.

60 posted on 11/26/2014 4:39:49 PM PST by wildbill (If you check behind the shower curtain for a murderer, and find one... what's your plan?)
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