Posted on 11/26/2014 2:24:04 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
Peaceful protests have been happening for over 100 days. But white folks only really pay attention if they fear they have something to lose. Smoke flares in their nostrils, because then they are confronted with the possibility of charred, burning, white flesh. No more water. The fire next time.
If I have to begin by convincing you that Black Lives Matter, we have all already lost, havent we? So lets not begin there. Lets begin at the end. At the end there is only Michael Brown Jr.s dead body, no justice, and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
For his parents, there is only grief.
They are undone. We are undone. I am undone. This is what American democracy coming apart at the seams looks like. Our frayed, tattered edges are showing. The emperors are the only ones who cant see it. Where can we begin so that we dont end up here?
Is anyone else tired of wandering in this wilderness? Surely this land of broken promises isnt what Dr. King had in mind for us. Hopefully, from the fiery furnace of Ferguson, the floating embers will spark and spread and blaze us a new trail up out of this madness.
Did you expect me to call for peace? Did you expect me to condemn looting and property damage? Did you expect me to preach at the people about being constructive rather than destructive?
Peaceful protests have been happening for over 100 days. But white folks only really pay attention if they fear they have something to lose. Smoke flares in their nostrils, because then they are confronted with the possibility of charred, burning, white flesh. No more water. The fire next time.
I woke up in black skin this morning. Frustrated, because for the first time in a long time, I felt the weight, the scourge of this skin. Had visions of being able to unzip myself, climb out of myself, and lay aside this weight, but the woman who climbed out was darker still. Since black is beautiful, we are never supposed to admit that we are sometimes tempted to believe what white supremacy tells us to believe about ourselves. But you caught me in a moment of weakness.
Utterly undone. Put out trying to pull it together. Still trying to put together piece together all these pieces. Of evidence.
Many things are evident this morning.
Our black president says that first and foremost, we must respect the rule of law. I watch, as he says this, a split screen of unruly protesters smashing the windows of a police cruiser. It is evident what they think about the system.
It, too, is evident what the system thinks about us.
(Do you feel the struggle in these words? The utter inadequacy of them? The struggle to contain and train my rage on the proper (white) people, and not all of them? The challenge of trying to narrate black rage, and black pain, and black fear, and black freedom dreams deferred againin hopes that white folks would really understand? The resentment at my failure? The rage at my having to do so in the first place?)
Tupac famously asked if there was a heaven for a gangsta. I find myself hoping theres a hell for white supremacists. But too many of them believe in Jesus. So fire and brimstone in Ferguson and beyond will have to suffice.
The attorneys for Michael Browns family appear on the news, admonishing us to be dignified and disciplined. I laugh, tears threatening the back of my eyes. I want to ask them if they really believe what they are saying.
There is no dignity in lying dead on scorching, hot pavement for four hours. That is evident. There are no disciplined acts of resistance that will restore dignity to Michael Browns life. Only justice can do that. Justice affirms that his life was worth protecting, that Darren Wilson, the person who took it, should be punished.
There will be no justice for Michael Brown, so there will be no surrogate acts of dignity from protesters.
Neither should we any longer submit to the disciplinary impulses of the rule of law. The rule of law wants to beat into us, through discipline, the belief that we black people would be animals but for its chastening rod of correction. The law stepped to a podium yesterday, under cover of night, to tell us that it reserves the right to slaughter black men with impunity, that it seeks to coerce through threat of force, our permission to do so.
To ask us to be dignified and disciplined, to ask us to respect the rule of law in the face of such a mockery of justice is to ask us to affirm the path to our own destruction.
Surely America knows black folks better than that.
Humans can only be sucker punched for so long. Humans can only have the life choked out of us for so long. Humans can only be kicked in the stomach while your foot is on our neck for so long. Humans can only be bullied for so long. One day we stagger to our feet, and you see reflected back to you the results of your own unresolved monstrousness.
I asked for a different beginning, hoping we wouldnt end up here. But here we are at the end again. Here we are black people yet again faced with the magnitude of our need and the inadequacy of our resources trying to make ends meet. Trying to begin again.
Looking at Jefferson's idea from the vantage point of history's experience, one can say that no race defined by skin color will win. Melanization through miscegny will lighten one and darken another until neither exists--all will be brown as in Adam and Eve, if the Bible be true. Entropy rules, according to the probablistic Second Law of Thermodynamics.
However, if it is of two spiritual races, the children of Satan via original sin commenced by Adam, versus the children of God via the vanquishing of sin by the faith of the Messiah Jesus, then the Satanic race will endure a final and eternal separation and segregation into a torment never to be extinguished.
Unless the writer of the above article mends her ways, she is likely to join the company of the damned.
She quotes Tupac Shakur as if he was someone to listen to
It appears Mike Brown may have followed The Code for Thugs written by Tupac and Mutulu Shakur:
A code of ethics; A code created By Tupac & Mutulu Shakur in 1992, at the Truc Picnic in California. Created for thugs to use with consideration when on the streets. These codes will help the innocent stay safe within their community.
These are the codes that thugs shall live by:
1. All new Jacks to the game must know: a) Hes going to get rich. b) Hes going to jail. c) Hes going to die.
2. Crew Leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.
3. One crews rat is every crews rat. Rats are now like a disease; sooner or later we all get it; and they should too.
4. Crew leader and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!
5. Car jacking in our Hood is against the Code.
6. Slinging to children is against the Code.
7. Having children slinging is against the Code.
8. No slinging in schools.
9. Since the rat Nicky Barnes opened his mouth; ratting has become accepted by some. Were not having it.
10. Snitches is outta here.
11. The Boys in Blue dont run nothing; we do. Control the Hood, and make it safe for squares.
12. No slinging to pregnant Sisters. Thats baby killing; thats genocide!
13. Know your target, whos the real enemy.
14. Civilians are not a target and should be spared.
15. Harm to children will not be forgiven.
16. Attacking someones home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.
17. Senseless brutality and rape must stop.
18. Our old folks must not be abused.
19. Respect our Sisters. Respect our Brothers.
20. Sisters in the Life must be respected if they respect themselves.
21. Military disputes concerning business areas within the community must be handled professionally and not on the block.
22. No shooting at parties.
23. Concerts and parties are neutral territories; no shooting!
24. Know the Code; its for everyone.
25. Be a real ruff neck. Be down with the code of the Thug Life.
26. Protect yourself at all times..
Watts, Compton, and many other cities’ gangs agreed to use the Code of Thug Life to help keep those, who are innocent, safer.
In the unnoticed war we're losing, what a weapon to use on the gullible and unsuspecting!
I was thinking about the raw marxist communism of the early Soviets and Chinese and how it's been refined over time.
The stuff we get in 2014 is tailor-made for the target group, then programed and calibrated like a smart bomb for maximum effect and specific collateral damage.
The commie zombie that just won't die again rises from the grave of forgotten sixties' favorites with a new and improved 2014 makeover, but it still smells just as bad, like something died inside.
Definitely do NOT let any get on you. I think I'll go take that shower now.
Her defense of a thugs who sought to choke out of a cop says more about her than it about her rage at White America.
We all have to obey laws we don’t like. The alternative is anarchy. We saw Monday what happened in Ferguson when people revert to the state of nature and act like animals and destroy everything.
If Britney Cooper and her fellow black Americans can’t act like decent human beings, its not our fault. As long as they refuse to take responsibility for their behavior and they blame their plight on others, things will never get better for them.
The death of Michael Brown and the attempted legal lynching of police officer Darren Wilson a symptom - not a cause - of black America’s travails. I’m quite frankly tired of being labeled a racist and asked to pay up. Ms. Cooper and her people need to get over it.
Many of them hate this country and if they don’t like it, they’re free to live. But if they want to be Americans its high time for them to live by the same rules as the rest of us and that means no special treatment for blacks on account of their skin color. They want to be treated like human beings, it time for them to act like it.
And quit whining life and this country owes you because that attitude is not going to get them anywhere period. Its time for you to decide, Ms. Cooper how to live your own life and stop blaming the rest of us for the fact black America is in a sorry shape entirely of its own making. You told you me how you feel; the rest of America is fed up with your race-baiting, infantile thumb-sucking, toddler temper tantrums and lack of adult maturity.
Grow up and get a grip. The ball in the court is yours now.
brittany is further proof that LIBs are beyond redemption...beyond hope...beyond logic & reason...beyond having any value to civilization. And to think that there are many of these subhuman creatures roaming the country...
Blacks blaming whites for their situation in this day and age are only admitting they will not take control of their own destiny. There has never been a time in the history of the world where opportunity has been better to make something of one’s self than what is available right now in the U.S.A. for minorities of color.
I don’t mean today’s opportunity is the best that minorities have seen, but that minorities’ opportunities today are the best that ANYONE has ever seen, IMO, in the history of human culture.
Now, just to get folks to reach for that brass ring...
BTW, blacks do not have the franchise on the blame game, I see it among all people. I cannot understand why folks don’t take advantage of what this, still more free than most countries, nation has to offer. Of course there are setbacks and government over reaching restrictions, etc. that are challenging, but they can be overcome with effort.
I dunno about that. One site of which I would have liked to bring an article is but it was verboten. I asked "why?", but never got any kind of response. I just hope I don't get banned here for even mentioning it. There is/was something going on there that cannot be discussed, I guess.
Also, I thought that articles from HuffPo is not acceptable? (I can understand that -- HuffPo is always blatantly slanted in its reporting, IMHO.)
Nobody seems to speak out for the hard-working people of this country who are brutalized by plug-uglies like this Michael Brown.
Mostly yes and a little no. I think we first have to step back to see the problem more clearly.
In her current state, she's not unlike a computer that's been infected with a virus or some other malware and is now infecting all the other computers she meets with what she has.
She probably can't help it. Her source code has been hijacked and her true potential is locked behind the virus and its mental loops and workarounds.
As long as the virus has control, you're right about her except for the "beyond hope" part. I've not met anyone who's beyond hope...and don't want to.
If...and that's a BIG if...she gets the right antiviral to disable the virus, she'll most likely get a soft or hard reset and then restart with the OEM software running and her potential restored.
Otherwise, I think there's much truth in your post. And, like you say, there are many like her.
Infiltration sucks. She's just one tree in the forest and our nation's sanity has gotten lost in that woods.
Cue the Guess Who
It's too late
She's gone too far
She's lost the sun
She's come undone
Another paid racist. I wish their pot of students would decline to protest, but that isn’t going to happen. Wonder how her Doctoral Thesis reads?
Thank you. Usually I am all over the map.
Dr. Cooper’s take of events written in August.
Her Twitter (with racists like this teaching, i’m not sure we have a chance with “character not skin color”)
Brittney Cooper @ProfessorCrunk · Nov 25
Evangelical white people with your white supremacist Jesus, God is on our side. Be clear.#ThatIsAll
Brittney Cooper @ProfessorCrunk · Nov 25
Only thing I need white allies to do today is get your people. #ThatIsAll
This must explain why most of the Ferguson businesses destroyed were black owned.
Liberals condone black riots because it is the safety valve that keeps blacks from venting their rage at them.
I always wonder how and why allegedly college-educated alleged professionals end up with exactly the same views as feral anti-society ghetto rats.
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