(or Romney/Christie and the host of Ruling Class GOP-e stooges)
Not a damn dimes worth of difference between any of them except the letter after their name.<<
So your thesis is we would be just as bad now if Romney (who promised to overturn obozocare) had won. We would have no foreign policy, the economy would continue to tank, islam would no longer be considered terrorism and holder would be appointed racists in chief.
Thank for all that since you voted for it.
And hitlery will welcome your vote with open arms.
You lie.
The Romney/Ryan platform made it clear they would not overturn ObamaCare. It was settled law, Ryan said. Besides, why would the author of RomneyCare overturn ObamaCare.
Look it up. Oh, and wipe your chin. You have some (maybe) fuzz on it. From sucking mittens.
I would vote for McConnell but I’m afraid that it would irritate the MSM and Michelle Obama too much. The optics are bad because voting for guys who can never cave fast enough is kinda extremist dontcha think? We already have Rand Paul as a Senator and I want Kentucky to be perceived as more moderate just like everybody else. I just don’t want Kentucky to get hurt with another sequester. We’re really a border state and we need to compromise. We just want to be liked.
Well, that would at least be some form of appreciation rather than the contempt and hatred Conservatives receive from the Ruling Class Oligarchs in the GOP and their stooge lackeys dish out.
Since your 'admonishment' is actually helping to drive Conservatives further from your pathetic Chamber-of-Fascism-bought party - perhaps you might want to use your wasted energy on threatening Mexican Nationals and 'Moderate' Liberal Democrats to vote for your candidates since that seems to be the new 'base' your party seeks to make beholden to itself.
But please, really - people like you are laughable in your vain and silly attempts to shame.
There is no difference between your GOP Establishment and Obama's MarxoFascists. There is it all a giant totalitarian Uniparty.
Good luck without us.
He promised no such thing. His meme was repeal and replace. Since we had some idea of what he might replace it with, ie RomneyCare, most people didn't trust him.