You lie.
The Romney/Ryan platform made it clear they would not overturn ObamaCare. It was settled law, Ryan said. Besides, why would the author of RomneyCare overturn ObamaCare.
Look it up. Oh, and wipe your chin. You have some (maybe) fuzz on it. From sucking mittens.
>>Look it up. Oh, and wipe your chin. You have some (maybe) fuzz on it. From sucking mittens.<<
So now you have gone to the liberal playbook of accusing people who point out your lies as liars.
Here is MY proof, liar:
How sad that people like you who indirectly voted obozo in now want to try to claim the high road.
You and yours gave us obozo and obozocare — eat it in a sandwich.
You and yours are fools and you are now permanently branded a liar.