Why don’t you start exploring the Constitution, you POS...
Sometimes they just write themselves, don’t they! ;’)
I’d like to see an ankle bracelet on Holder after he serves time in jail.
I’ve rarely seen anyone who hates freedom and personal responsibility as much as Holder.
There should be a documentary on him.
Love it!
From the man who oversaw Fast-n-Furious, and fights against Voter ID laws as “racist.”
MLK Jr. Isn't The Only One With A Dream
The only 'gun tracking' I want to hear coming out of your sideways-talking, cougar-breath-emitting tootsie-role-hole is TRACKING THE GUNS YOU SOLD TO THE DRUG CARTELS IN MEXICO, you racist, law-breaking, Constitution-hating Bill-of-Rights-ignoring affirmative-action Attorney-General-Wannabe.
Gun violence prevention is when everyone is armed.
Holder makes Ramsey Clark appear patriotic by comparison.
The Nazis are going to make it very, very expensive to own a firearm.
He means ‘necklacing’.
Why bother with another tracking device? Just put it on a Cellphone app and there ya go.
This from a man who’s fast and furious design was to denegate the second amendment as evil and ill-conceived. It failed because of the agent getting shot before it could be brought to fruition for propaganda purposes.
I’d opt for politician tracking ones, especially for the big spender the MOOCH. Would like to know what new expensive shoes, bags, jewelry or dress she is buying. Like the $12 K dress. Why are we borrowing money from China to pay for teaching their street walkers how to drink responsibly on the job?
Michille’s $12 K dress YOU paid for.
MOOCHES $50G undies
Obamas’ Cost of Living in the White House: $1.4 Billion a Year
Chinese Prostitutes and Brazilian Cotton Farmers
Members of Congress Earn Big Salaries and Fringe Benefits
$1.5M Hotel Bill for President Obama’s One-Day Visit to Brussels
I see nothing wrong with DEA, ICE, FBI, local and state police wearing these bracelets... (SARC)