Posted on 06/06/2013 10:02:21 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
MSNBCs Chris Matthews declared Wednesday that hes got to believe opposition to President Obama is ethnic in nature, since the president has never done anything wrong in his life legally, ethically, whatever.
President Obamas administration is currently embroiled in a slew of scandals. They include the IRSs admitted targeting of conservatives, the DOJ intimidating reporters, the NSA collecting phone records on millions of Verizon customers daily, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi.
But Matthews opined:
Why do they get the idea, if it isnt ethnic and Ill just leave the possibility that its not why do they just assume evil on the part of Obama?
I mean hes raised his whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle, and transparent. We know his whole life, through all the great excellent education hes had. The good pro bono work hes done throughout his life. Hes never been a money grubber. Hes never done anything wrong in his life legally, ethically, whatever. His family is picture-perfect. The way hes raised those daughters. Everything is clean as a whistle. And yet, they just refer to him as evil. They just refer to him as a liar.
Ive just got to believe its ethnic with these people. Theyve just got a problem with this guy being president. Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a bad man? And thats what they do....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He got a nice 300K bribe from Tony Rezko. A more obscure bribe came from Yesse Yehudah and his followers.
He got a nice 300K bribe from Tony Rezko. A more obscure bribe came from Yesse Yehudah and his followers.
OMG - I am speechless which doesn’t happen often....
with half a second of thought (which would be about half a second more then chrissy has ever utilized his cognitive functions)... i would say the single easiest thing to show that 0bama has done to break the law is file taxes.
yup. 0bama broke the law by filing taxes all these years.
using someone else’s social security number.
please... refute that
Chrissie, he’s already admitted breaking the law doing drugs. Are you totally immune to the truth?
Whaaaaaat? Now it is "ethnic" in nature and not "racist"?
If Obama was chooming, I guarantee he was also a dealer.
His ethnicity is half WASP half Luo , but since tie goes to the mother , that makes him more white than black. Slave owning white to be precise.
Chrissie, I think you are too far in. The colon should be the last thing you see before you get to daylight.
Chris Matthews is determined to go down with the SS Obama. No matter what.
Now there’s something to revisit. Hey journalistas.....go for it!
Except the drug use, right?
Baghdad Chris...
Der are no planes coming ovr our heads at thees time.
(jet engines roar by overhead)
That was just a 1961 Audi going by...
Obama ees no croook...
What possible motive would someone who’s never done anything wrong have to get as much of the record of what they’ve done as possible sealed so no one could see it?
Hes never done anything (wrong) in his life legally, ethically, whatever.
Just take wrong out and he’s right on the money.
Statement made right after getting up off his knees from kissing his master’s butt. And the lame stream says they are not for one side or the other. This Ahole says Obama is next thing to a god and anything republican is the antichrist. Right. Fair and balanced. None of them are. Bull.
But then only I would be evaluate whether or not I'm racist, and I've decided I'm not, so using his own "standards", he's wrong.
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