Posted on 04/01/2013 6:19:42 AM PDT by Lazamataz
Googles decision to mark Easter Sunday with a doodle of leftist icon Cesar Chavez atop its search engine angered some users in what they see as a snub of Jesus on the day Christians mark his resurrection.
However, Google executives offered quick apologies for the snub, issuing this statement: "We at Google honor Easter and are mortified that our Doodle of Chavez in any way upstaged this Holy Christian Holiday. We are reviewing the way Google Doodles are chosen on a go-forward basis."
The statement appeared to appease some high-profile Christian figures. "I'm not much of a fan of Google," remarked Cardinal Timothy Dolan, "but I appreciate their apology. It shows a sense of respect for Catholicism and Christianity."
The newly-elected Pope is expected to chime in to the controversy later today.
Google has created more than 1,000 doodles since 1998, when the concept was born when company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin altered the logo to indicate their attendance at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert.
Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists, a Google website reads.
Your clever name for the author of the article was a pretty good clue that most appear to have missed.
Be sure to check Google out on Memorial Day, July 4, Veteran’s Day, Washington’Birthday, etc. - might change your opinion ... ;-)
I'm not.
I will not challenge TheOldLady.
Smart thinkin'.
It is a foreground conclusion that she would kick my *ss.
You got that right.
I get queasy at the sight of blood...especially mine!
Aw, don't worry, sweetie. You won't see a thing.
April Fool!
Let’s git Laz........
You ain’t never gettin’ me. :)
I’ll wait 10 years : )
You just joined TODAY to post that tripe? I checked your posting history, and it is highly suspect. Why don’t you go back to DU or crawl back under your rock?
Random Viking Kitty ping —
ping to nooby troll, fyi.
LOL! From now on you are ThunderdomeOldLady. :)
I already get Laz. He’s a great guy, and he has a great sense of humor.
zatam azal may have just signed up, but he has been lurking for fifteen years here, so lighten up!
I'll have to make friends with MadMax, the Grinning Reaper.
hahaha, I knew you wouldn’t let me down! Thanks! :o)
Maybe God IS gonna get me! It just started raining here :o>
Sorry Laz!!
But, you DO have a reputation as a prankster!
I promise in the future to NEVER reveal your secrets...Prankster away!!
And, keep it coming, FRiend.
It’s easy to apologize after-the-fact. I worked in PR at MSFT for many years and there’s no way they weren’t fully aware of what they were doing.
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