I don’t know the answer to this, but wouldn’t this be considered a violating the Hatch Act?
Good point. He can't make those kinds of calls from the Oval Orifice, but he thinks he can do it from the airborne Oval Orifice in AF1? Maybe he could make the calls in the lavatory while he is sneaking a Kool, avoid the Hatch Act but only be in violation of the FAA which he fully controls.
I believe so, but the state controlled media will say that AF 1 isn't a "building." Plus, nothing happened to Sebilous when she did it from a government owned building.
There is a special phone for campaign calls on Air Force One, I kid you not. Though given his criminal history, I wonder if he even uses it?
October 19, 2012 2:00 P.M.
Is Obama Buying the Election with His Welfare Explosion?
Its a cynical question. However . . .
By Larry Kudlow
Probably. Someone ought to phone the Justice Department. Oh wait...Well, there's always Congress, they're our watch dog! Contact the Speaker of the House!...oh wait...Supreme Court? Oh, nevermind!
I don’t know about the Hatch Act, but there is a law about fundraising on government property. Members of Congress leave congressional office buildings and use personal cell phones to make fundraising calls when they are in Washington.