Posted on 10/02/2012 11:43:59 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
And what makes Mr. Romneycare so reliable on economic issues? Him saying that the minimum wage should be indexed to inflation?
I would rather we had someone else as our representative, but we have what we have. So the fact that he is a business man makes a big difference from the community agitator who would be king.
We know what we have in there now, I would rather take a chance on Romney doing the right thing when he gets in there then face what America will resemble if Obama gets four more years.
Yes, Romney is still a capitalist, and Obama isn’t. I would rather take the chance on the capitalist, even if he is a socially minded one.
Tell me, if Bush could have ran again, would you have voted for Obama over him? After all, we now know that Bush and Romney are two birds of a feather, allbeit one wears magic underwear and thinks he will be a god one day.
Lost me right there.
Yeah. Took me a while to figure that out. Apparently chickens were featured in a Herman Cain campaign ad. It seems like a strange thing to remember.
I’ll vote for him, I just want to be sure we’re all prepared for what we’re getting. The Tea Party was accused of working hard for 2010 candidates and then totally disengaging from the political process right after it, expecting the candidates to do the right thing on their own. We can’t do that this time. We have to hold Romney’s feet to the fire, as best we can.
European social democracies could only exist because America made a promise to defend Europe in a future war. That promise freed European countries from the pesky responsibility of full defense and allowed them to shift erstwhile defense funds to social niceties. What crime that our liberals point to Europe as a model of social democracies while forgetting there is nobody promising our defense if we emulate Europe’s socialist prescription.
If RR lose, there WILL NOT be another election for the Tea Party to rise up for. If Obama can cheat his way with voter fraud and illegal alien support, what will stop him? There will not be enough tea party voters to counter that large a mass. And I am a Tea Party member myself and see that this is what will happen!
Maybe that is why Obama has ordered 1.4 billion hollow-point rounds. To defend Romney..., yeah, right.
You should be more shocked by the fact Team 0bama seems to think so themselves. I merely reaffirmed it.
The Significance of Party Platforms
Phyllis Schlafly
Sep 18, 2012
House Speaker John Boehner was quoted during the Republican National Convention as saying, “Have you ever met anybody who read the party platform? I never met anybody.”
Scoffing at the party’s platform is the typical attitude of establishment-backed politicians who don’t want to be bothered with addressing the hopes and goals of grassroots voters. Downgrading the platform is the mark of losing candidates, such as Bob Dole and John McCain. (snip)
The tides quickly turn even though the media has the power to change them.. For some reason I felt the tide swing in our direction today: The Lockheed bribe, “Obama phone”, BenghaziGate, Mystery tape soon to be released that his headlined on Drudge re: Rev. Wright and 0bama’s overt racism (Hannity), 0bama has hiked foreign aid by 80%, another border agent shot.. and more ‘developing’ nightmares.. HOW COULD ANYONE VOTE FOR 0BAMA? Behind the big fat ‘OBAMA!’ media sign hides corruption to the core that’s hard to ignore.
What is American Corporatism? (good-bye main street)
Along that note, a Presidential historian said, “many voters vote for the most Presidential looking one.” With both on the stage, Romney has that look much more than BO.
I agree entirely with everything you said, and the answer is to continue to push the party in the right direction..
All of that said, Romney towers over McDolt, and I am getting comfortable with him..
Win the Senate, keep the House, and WIN IN NOVEMBER..
“The pinko, Marxist, Obama-loving side of me cant wait for the fireworks to begin.”
Just understand that many of those bashing Republicans and calling for a Republican circular firing squad are commie haters of everything conservative.
Beware the concern trolls and splitters.
Carry on.
When Romney wins, I may OD reading and watching these liberals try to explain it. MSDNC will be a joy to watch.
Thanks, I appreciate your comment. You are very helpful.
In 2008 I posted here that McCain would lose, as some on this ping have seen.
Researching old comments is a skill I learned just because you got so many that come on here and arrogantly proclaim to me that they know the future, and I am wrong. That poster motivated me to do a time travel back to 2008 by including me in his ping to his totally ridiculous comment .
For those who missed it, I was pinged here: #94 and responded here:#109 Enjoy :)
He gets my award for the ‘live one of the day’ LOL
Massachusetts Mitt = Hillary II she-man.
If Hillary II loses, the government-user fascists will go postal due to the forced gridlock.
The facists are attempting to hoist their HillaryRomney front she-man, to Extortion-Care the rest of Americans, right into their private Exempt pockets.
If forced gridlock...hee hee, all these government users will get a dose of reality, or pull out a scandal right out of the waiting files.
Amazing : )
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