I would rather we had someone else as our representative, but we have what we have. So the fact that he is a business man makes a big difference from the community agitator who would be king.
We know what we have in there now, I would rather take a chance on Romney doing the right thing when he gets in there then face what America will resemble if Obama gets four more years.
Yes, Romney is still a capitalist, and Obama isn’t. I would rather take the chance on the capitalist, even if he is a socially minded one.
Tell me, if Bush could have ran again, would you have voted for Obama over him? After all, we now know that Bush and Romney are two birds of a feather, allbeit one wears magic underwear and thinks he will be a god one day.
I’ll vote for him, I just want to be sure we’re all prepared for what we’re getting. The Tea Party was accused of working hard for 2010 candidates and then totally disengaging from the political process right after it, expecting the candidates to do the right thing on their own. We can’t do that this time. We have to hold Romney’s feet to the fire, as best we can.