IOW, just LAST WEEK 372,000 poor souls lost jobs with NO replacement job, so they had to file for unemployment benefits.
Aw Jeez, where’s my pic of Jack Carson.
playing the ‘unexpected’ game, I’m gonna be drunk by noon.
Unexspec....hic. Unesphect...hic Unex...hic
As expected, Bush’s fault.
...have you ever seen such a surprised group of media financial guru’s....they are always surprised “unexpectedly”
when bad numbers for Odungo appear
More Serfs for obastard.
More rot for America.
The jobs aren’t coming back without fundamental change back to some of our former principles of economy, business, trade, government and God.
Republican President = EXPLODED!
Democrat President = crept up
Republican President = LEAPED!
They keep doing the same $hit week after week expecting things to improve when the boat anchor is still in the White House.
There's a definition in there, somewhere, of insanity.
I know we all sort of laugh about these reports, but there is something very unseemly, even sinister, in a Bureau of Labor Statistics that is so blatantly political.
Once upon a time, soon after AlGore invented the Internet, children in school were taught the only websites to be trusted had a “.gov” or “.edu” suffix. Now we know that, with a few exceptions (eg, NIH, CDC and others in the public health arena) we cannot trust a lot of “.gov” or “.edu” websites to provide impartial information.
I remember when the BLS was viewed as an apolitical, reliable source of information. Not any longer. The BLS has become a de facto propaganda arm of the Obama Campaign, something we here feared when the Obama White House tried to take control of the census last year.
To which the Democrats will say, it’s much better than the almost 800,000/mo. when BO took office.
Of course, they don’t explain to the uninformed that the ONLY month that unemployment was that high was Jan. ‘08, when business owners realized that the clueless voters had elected a Marxist as president, and he was taking office Jan. 21. They knew they would have a very tough time with Leftists in charge, and they were right.
Cutter: Obama Has Created More Jobs Than the Reagan Recovery
Hopefully this isn’t a cause for more easing by the fed. They seem to have a hair trigger. You hear me Fed? Stay off the crack!
If, every time the word “unexpectedly” was used when describing the “rise in jobless claims”, everyone in the country were expected to drink a shot, we’d be one wasted nation right about now.
Seriously, isn’t that MEME becoming tired by now, even for the MSM?
Just a “modest” increase. They’ll have to resurrect the old “GOP in White House” style book for after January 20, 2013.
I am so shocked ... didn’t see this coming!
For the past three years they've been using the same old tired terms to try to put a positive spin on a never ending stream of bad economic news: healing, recovery, modest improvement, postive trend, momentum, etc. It's all window dressing for their guy in the White Hut.
Man....I hate being right all time (only joking). But......I am right about this, as gasoline prices rise, unemployment goes up. That is the way Obama continues to destroy the USA economy and new job increases. That any sane American can vote for this America hater, Obama is far beyond me!!!