Judging by their speech, the kids were middle-class to upper middle class suburban white kids.
Most likely, these kids have been in the care of strangers since they were 6 weeks old. I’d be willing to bet that mommy and daddy have been just too busy with their careers to spend any time with them and teach them how to behave in a civilized society.
The daily routine of a lot of children today: A parent drops them off at the before-care facility early in the morning. After the the school day, they go to after-care, where they are not picked up until around 6P. They see the parents for how long each day?
You’re right; Americans are doing voluntarily what the Khmer Rouge had to do at gunpoint: take children from their parents to be raised by “the organization”.
In this economy this has been replaced with foregoing children altogether; each successive grade in my children’s schools have more foreign children in them. As a traditional person, I prefer that to kids like those in the video (who seem to lack father figures).
I wouldn’t be surprised if some nanny is “bringing up” these kids. For one thing, the kids seemed to have an abusive attitude towards this lady not just for personal reasons, but because they regarded her as hired help whom they had some right to abuse.
I once lived behind a very expensive private school in Manhattan, attended mainly by the kids of wealthy media people, attorneys, etc., and they were so foul-mouthed and abusive in the playground that they made the gutter punks in Harlem look good. At least there was some excuse, their miserable environment, for the bad behavior of the latter group.
It used to be that at least they were watching the SAME programming - and as bad as that is - they may have some things to discuss about the show after. Nowadays they have their own TV - so they don't even watch the same programming.
Meanwhile this paradigm has the parent(s) hyper defensive about their (lack of) parenting - such that any attempt at correction is a fundamental attack on their life choices.
“Your son acts up in class.”