Posted on 03/26/2012 6:25:01 AM PDT by marktwain
An Innocent Boy Is Dead And The Media Played Us (updated!)
Its important to mention facts about this case, not to blame Trayvon in any way, but to show how we are all being played by the media.
The media went with the meme that a white guy had shot Trayvon. That was untrue. He was Hispanic. The media kept using the term gated community, giving the impression that it was a white neighborhood, since the crime watch captain Zimmerman was white, we all assumed that. Not true. The neighborhood was only half white, the other half non-white (I am assuming black and Hispanic). It was not the lush lawns of a gated community like the media would have you believe, it was an apartment complex that had been victim to a bunch of robberies recently.
The witness that the police interviewed at the time of the shooting said that George Zimmerman was on the ground with Trayvon on top of him hitting him. Zimmerman did have grass stains on his back and his face his bleeding when the police get there. Now, who could blame Trayvon for attacking Zimmerman? Here was this guy following him, for all he knew, to rob and hurt him. So, it doesnt change the story really to point out that fact, but most of the media ignored this part because it didnt make the story juicy enough. Police played the 9-11 tape to Trayvons father and the father tells police that it is not his son screaming in the background. I cant tell you how upset so many were to hear that tape and imagine it was Trayvon screaming, but it wasnt. But heaven forbid the media correct that. Again, it just made the story juicer.
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It may be understandable, but that does not make it justifiable.
The Kermit Washington defense.....
If someone other than a cop was following me, I’d probably like to jump him also. But, that’s just me. Zimmerman got what he deserved, and a kid got murdered.
And most of you posting garbage articles got played, not the rest of us.
The left has to have their victims and martyrs......First Sandra Fluke for the Women now this guy for the Blacks......It’s all about getting Obama re-elected. The media know he is in big trouble and are on full propaganda mode. Aside from that I think the White House also latched on to this from the Gun Control angle. Already here in SC there is talk from Democrats in the statehouse about repealing parts of the “Castle Doctrine”.......
I had heard this innocent boy (who is dead, by the way) was Barry Obama’s son.
Any truth to that report?
Add to the media’s basic incompetence and lack of investigative skills their need to slant every story in a way that will either fuel racial and class tensions in America or support Barack Obama and the only thing we really know so far is that a person has been shot.
***It is clear that we are being played by the media. However, simply because someone is following you, is not justification for jumping them and beating them.
It may be understandable, but that does not make it justifiable.***
Just because you are armed with a gun and following someone is not justification for killing them. It may be understandable, but that does not make it justifiable.
Yep, they are trying to round up the RINO weak links into their midsts. Only Gingrich has been stooding some ground, unitimidated so far, and it is why they do not like him. Santorum fumbles here and there, but lately rebuked the NYT.
the 911 tape contained screams. When this tape was played for the boys ( 17 years old, 62 190 pounds of him )father, the father stated the screams were not from his son. A witness saw the black man on top of zimmerman punching him repeatedly in the face, while zimmerman screamed for help... zimmermans face was bloody and bruised, and the back of his head was bleeding... now add all this together and what do you have?
You have a guy approaching a 62 suspended from school black man in a hoodie, and upon initial confrontation the black man attacks, for whatever reason you wish to insert here....knocks down the neighborhood watch guy and starts beating the crap out of him.... only thing not accounted for is the fact that the neighborhood watch guy was armed.
Conclusion, the thug picked the wrong guy to attack.
Standing not
Innocent people don’t beat the crap out of people.
Neighborhood watches are evil??
Neiborhood watches can’t FOLLOW ANYBODY?
So you, ALmaKing, have only offered your OPINION on the “possibility” of a murder being committed. However, that was NOT the evaluation of the on scene police officers.
Now, who could blame Trayvon for attacking Zimmerman?...Me.
Unfortunately, anyone questioning the media version will inevitably be accused of wanting to excuse the killing and with that accusation, the inference is clear: you're a racist. This is why we'll never see racial harmony in America, no matter how many people of good will try to attain it. The race hustlers and those seeking political advantage by dividing us into racial camps will always be there, eager to exploit tragedy.
Is Zimmerman was screaming for help it is obvious that he was caught by surprise. If he had his gun drawn like others are claiming I’m pretty sure he would not have been attacked. No one with sense would attack an armed man.
They have forensics that can analyze the tapes to see who was actually screaming for help.
“...not to blame Trayvon in any way...”
You mean “Martin” right?
Why does this person continue to be called by his first name while Zimmerman is not
Sure, you can beat anyone for any reason that you want.
After all it’s a free country.
That’s the lesson of this story.
The fun part of this tragedy is hearing the media tell their idiots that pursuing someone and asking them a question is just grounds for a beating.
When that happens to one of them (they do it all the time) I’ll so enjoy hearing the reporter say he lay there and took it because he deserved it.
Your choice to use the word ‘murdered’ tells us you are not unbiased, that you are posting with an agenda. Folks like you are trying to ‘play us’. This sad tragedy is being exploited by people like you. Your little bastard pres__ent is trying to play us using the memory of this young man and the racial divide. The press is trying to play us by printing/repeating distortions and outright lies. And we now have to endure the drek from people like you using community organizer/saul alinsky methodology to ‘play us’. But thanks for exposing your leftist bias before the voting season really heats up. It’s nice to identify the opposition before the battle begins.
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