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1 posted on 03/16/2012 4:59:49 AM PDT by SJackson
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To: SJackson


2 posted on 03/16/2012 5:05:19 AM PDT by Triple (Socialism denies people the right to the fruits of their labor, and is as abhorrent as slavery)
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To: SJackson
He’ll ignore the internal contradiction here.

LOL. "Take your number in the 'Marxism is a failure' cue, comrade! "

3 posted on 03/16/2012 5:06:21 AM PDT by LRS ("This is silly! It can't be! It can't be!!" "Oh yes it is! I said you wouldn't know the joint.")
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To: SJackson
Marx and Engles hated those ‘dark skins’.
4 posted on 03/16/2012 5:07:48 AM PDT by allmost
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To: SJackson

Good post.

To be clear, his “opponents” saying gasoline prices can fall to $2.50 per gallon is actually one man...Newt.

With the right policies, of course, which Newt lays out to a fare thee well.

Oh what I would give to have Newt debate Obama’s absurd and America killing ideology vs. Newt’s American Energy policies, one on one, with America watching.

I know that isn’t what you posted about, but it needs to be pointed out.

5 posted on 03/16/2012 5:11:46 AM PDT by txrangerette ("HOLD TO THE TRUTH...SPEAK WITHOUT FEAR" - Glenn Beck)
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To: SJackson

“From each according to his each according to his needs.....and we’ll decide what your abilities and needs are.” Old Karl always missed that last part.

6 posted on 03/16/2012 5:14:40 AM PDT by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: SJackson

Any top down command and control system (be it military or economic) is going to suffer due to information. Even if (hypothetically) you have the brightest possible people at the top making decisions, the problem is twofold:

1. Gathering, analyzing, and presenting the data in a form those people need to make decisions.
2. The time it takes to do so.

You will never be able to do #1 efficiently, even with a Chinese army of analysts. Also, #2 will be significant. The resulting time lag will create inefficienies in itself. In many cases, the state of the system will have changed before you make a decision.

And, of course, the hypothetical is not the actual. The people making the decisions will never be able to consistently make the “best” decisions even if given perfect information. This is true regardless of how many degrees they have from the top universities.

In a highly distributed system, you will have many people failing, but a few getting it right and succeeding wildly. That is is essence of Capitalism (and Blitzkreig).

7 posted on 03/16/2012 5:21:05 AM PDT by rbg81
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To: SJackson
Obama has spent an adult life convincing himself that he knows what is better for you than you do. So much so, that he has chosen that as a career.

Now at this late date, he is learning that there is no silver bullet (i.e. that he doesn't know the answer to any of these complicated questions).

Shapiro is right. Obama simply doesn't understand freedom. He cannot comprehend that freedom itself is the answer to the complicated question.

He doesn't trust the wisdom of the masses. If he did, he would learn that he isn't so smart...and he certainly isn't wise.

8 posted on 03/16/2012 5:21:24 AM PDT by RoosterRedux
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To: SJackson


9 posted on 03/16/2012 5:22:26 AM PDT by lowbridge (Rep. Dingell: "Its taken a long control the people.")
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To: SJackson

Thanks, next time an o-hole Hussein Head tells me how great their god is, I will say, “No one believes that. Everyone knows that’s just politics.”

11 posted on 03/16/2012 5:25:25 AM PDT by treetopsandroofs (Had FDR been GOP, there would have been no World Wars, just "The Great War" and "Roosevelt's Wars".)
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To: SJackson
I wish that one of the feckless journalists would ask Obama what kind of car he and Michelle will be buying for his daughter as soon as she gets her license. When he answers she'll have to buy her own car, let the games begin.
12 posted on 03/16/2012 5:28:32 AM PDT by liberalh8ter (Barack has a memory like a steel trap; it's a gift ~ Michelle Obama)
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To: SJackson

ya think? Ever notice Marxists countries haven’t any credit cards?

13 posted on 03/16/2012 5:34:17 AM PDT by mo (If you understand, no explanation is needed. If you don't understand, no explanation is possible.)
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To: SJackson

Obama skirts being pinned down:

Fox News Reporter Ed Henry: “Your critics will say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher, because you have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels onto renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?”

Obama: “Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States, going into reelection, wants gas prices to go up even higher?” he said. Turning to the room at large, he added, “Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?”

14 posted on 03/16/2012 5:41:12 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: SJackson

So now he is trying fascism?

15 posted on 03/16/2012 5:42:59 AM PDT by bmwcyle (I am ready to serve Jesus on Earth because the GOP failed again)
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To: SJackson

Obama wan Kenobi’s Jedi mind tricks don’t seem to be working as well as they used to.

25 posted on 03/16/2012 6:23:15 AM PDT by Texas Eagle (If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all -- Texas Eagle)
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To: SJackson
How can hundreds of millions of people, all pursuing their self-interest, create more wealth than hundreds of millions of people all directed toward a single end? How can fairness by achieved by seeming randomness rather than by hierarchical control of the right-minded?

The answer is deceptively simple: all those people pursuing self interest are pursuing the same end. That end is a better standard of living. If you work hard and bargain for the lowest price, you will enjoy a better standard of living. If everyone around you does it, they will too. If, however, you have a massive government standing over you, telling you who should win and who should lose, the system of incentives stops working. You no longer have to work hard to make a living if the government provides you one by taking from a third party and giving you a handout; you no longer have to bargain for lower prices if the government sets a ceiling or a floor on prices. Now, instead of everyone working for the same personal goal, everyone relies on the government to tell them what is fair. And when government decides what is fair, nothing ever is.

Life isn’t fair, period. All too often, the good die young. When government politicians decide what is fair, the inherent unfairness of life is compounded by the mendacity of the polititicians . . . leaving us in the dolorous situation described by Thomas Paine in Common Sense
SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer! Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.

26 posted on 03/16/2012 6:23:55 AM PDT by conservatism_IS_compassion (DRAFT PALIN)
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To: SJackson

If anyone has trouble understanding Obama’s plans for America, just think of the most “out-there” radical you’ve ever heard or read, perhaps a pipe smoking “progressive” professor, or some nut interviewed on CNN representing some group with “coalition” in its name. Whatever nonsense that fool was spouting only begins to approach the Marxist program Obama will implement during his next term(s).

30 posted on 03/16/2012 6:50:05 AM PDT by Oratam
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To: SJackson

Communists do not comprehend that 3 pounds of brains cannot out-think a half million tons of brains.

33 posted on 03/16/2012 7:08:51 AM PDT by ctdonath2 ($1 meals:
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To: SJackson

People miss the point...Obama is more Fascist, than Socialist.....he loves Corporatism.

37 posted on 03/16/2012 7:18:37 AM PDT by dfwgator (Don't wake up in a roadside ditch. Get rid of Romney.)
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