Posted on 03/08/2012 8:14:23 PM PST by tobyhill
Current and former White House aides on Thursday rejected demands by a conservative group that a Super PAC supporting President Obama refund a $1 million check from comedian and talk show host Bill Maher because of coarse comments he's made about Sarah Palin and other Republican women.
While Obama earlier this week denounced similar comments that radio talk show host made about a college student, Sandra Fluke, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters the president is not going to get involved in the Maher battle.
Carney said "language that denigrates women is inappropriate," but it is not the President's place to be the "arbiter" of every controversial statement.
"He chooses to lead by example or tries to," Carney said of the president, adding that "he chooses to try to practice that civility himself and he calls on everybody to do just that."
Earlier on Thursday, Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America sent a letter to White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew charging Maher is a "serially vile misogynist" because of a list of nasty comments directed at conservative women.
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Hussein Obamas war on women continues..
Obama supports vile comments being made at Conservatives..that is who he is, he only gets this phony outrage when something is said about a liberal. This is the same Obama when Wanda Sykes said during the White House Correspondents dinner that she wishes that Rush Limbaugh’s kidney’s fail, they panned over to Obama, who was really, nothing surprises me what a disgusting sack of feces Obama and his cronies are
Only Republican women silly. Don’t diss any of his supporters.
Obama supports and promotes (conservative ) women being called vulgar names.
Calling Sarah Palin a pig was apparently no accident. Obamas people whisper that is a new tactic, perhaps one of desperation but it is calculated to upset McCains momentum. Obama will attempt to drag McCain into a sexism versus racism war. Watch for that approach in the coming days, as the campaign will bring race back into the election.
"President Civility" leads by example. Always has.
They complain about it. But, if you pay them it's OK!
Only Conservative women.
Don’t you dare use these terms to describe a liberal womyn...
Michelle Malkin hits back, it’s great!
With his admontion of the call to worship being “the sweetest sound in the world”, his abolishment of the prayer breakfast and substitution of rahamadan breakfast, his banning of Christmas ornaments on the White House “holiday tree”, rudeness to Israel's dignitaries, his bowing to all Islamic leaders, what else to you expect from his besides trying to take over as in the middle east!
That is good. It is another thing to remember in November.
Wisconsin Bill Maher PAC Money ping
FReep mail me if you want on, cor off, this Wisconsin interest pin list.
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