Posted on 03/01/2012 6:32:17 AM PST by combat_boots
Would a heart attack at 43 be considered “natural causes”?
I’m pretty sure they put in ‘natural causes’ to forestall the inevitable conspiracy theories that would arise, given how controversial Breitbart was.
What furiates me is the knowing that the humorless Obama Village in all it’s shapes, forms, and colors, is just giddy and joyous today.
Very suspicious.There are so many untraceable bio toxins which can cause such a heart attack. The timing is just too convenient for the one. I have a hard time ruling out foul play.We do have a fascist in the WH.Believe it.
I hope Andrew had duplicates of the O tapes made , and that they are safely preparing to have them released.I wonder if Andrew knew his life might be tenuous.Reminds me of the Quarles Harris case, a very convenient murder of a witness to hearings on the Dept. State Obama passport files.
Did anyone report this to Homeland Security? /S
This would likely be one of two things: heart attack or stroke, based on a known condition. This would mean congenital or recently diagnosed.
ABC respectfully calls him a publisher & author. CNN Breaking headline calls him a blogger.
I cannot stand these people! They are not my country men!
We WILL continue this fight, we have lost Andrew Britbart, but I pray we will gain resolve.
Was he in L.A.? No one walks in L.A. The police stop you.
What do they call Arkanicide in Kenya?
They have been saying in the reporting on Fox that he has had “heart issues” and that he collapsed while out walking around midnight and that someone saw him collapse. I’d shy away from any “conspiracy” talk for now. At 43 it is most likely the heart that gives out for whatever reason.
“Are liberals smiling yet?!”
They are probably dancing the streets like the muzzies on 9/11.
So sad, I saw him speak in DC two years ago.
A true patriot.
Back about 30 something years ago I was out of work and there were no jobs in my area. I called my brother who was working and asked if he knew of any openings.
He suggested that I check with this one factory. I did and they had no jobs, but said they would call if any opened up.
Two days later they called and asked if i could start the next day.
The guy I replaced was 21 yrs old and had never been sick a day in his life. He was walking to his mailbox and dropped dead of a massive heart attack.
I felt kinda creepy going to work on his job the day of his funeral.
Based on what Hannity and Tucker Carlson have said so far about his health, I am guessing either a ruptured plaque in a coronary artery or cardiac arrhythmia. If he had cardiomegaly, such an arrhythmia would not be surprising at all.
WOW! If I didn’t know better I’d say God Himself is against us. Why is it that the good die young yet vile, evil, despicable, men like Ted Kennedy can waste oxygen for decades. What bothers me the most is the joy the evil left will get from this. A sad day for truth and righteousness.
Well, I heard this, thought of Breitbart’s fire he lit at C-PAC, and thought of Tim Russet’s heart attack prior to being the moderator at 0bama’s 1st debate with McCain. Right there in NBC’s studios. From a blood clot supposedly, after flying.
The commercial stuff we see and know is one thing. The super-secret stuff that occurs is, well, um....
Breitbart did say “Glenn Beck is dead to me,” so they broke off communications, obviously.
Fox said he was walking and someone saw him collapse and called 911. That’s what I find strange. They didn’t say his wife was with him or anyone else for that matter. Why would he just be walking around at midnight in LA????
Yep and I’m still wondering what kind of “natural” causes makes a 43 year old die?
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