Very suspicious.There are so many untraceable bio toxins which can cause such a heart attack. The timing is just too convenient for the one. I have a hard time ruling out foul play.We do have a fascist in the WH.Believe it.
I hope Andrew had duplicates of the O tapes made , and that they are safely preparing to have them released.I wonder if Andrew knew his life might be tenuous.Reminds me of the Quarles Harris case, a very convenient murder of a witness to hearings on the Dept. State Obama passport files.
Did anyone report this to Homeland Security? /S
Well, I heard this, thought of Breitbart’s fire he lit at C-PAC, and thought of Tim Russet’s heart attack prior to being the moderator at 0bama’s 1st debate with McCain. Right there in NBC’s studios. From a blood clot supposedly, after flying.
The commercial stuff we see and know is one thing. The super-secret stuff that occurs is, well, um....
Breitbart did say “Glenn Beck is dead to me,” so they broke off communications, obviously.