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This is a briefer, easier-to-read copy, should anyone want to post it elsewhere, as the full article is kind of difficult to get through for people who have attention deficits, or other reading problems - like they don't like to...

CPAC 2012: Newt Gingrich hits the reset button

Day One will be epic, and then he’ll get really busy.

by John Hayward

No one can say they don’t know what Newt Gingrich will do after his inauguration.  He’s got big plans… 

He pledged to have a full list of his proposed executive orders and presidential findings published online by October, so that every voter will know exactly what they’re getting.  He wants every Republican candidate to campaign with him on a pledge to hit the next Congress in a monster jam session that repeals the job-killing centralized corruption of ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley by the time he’s sworn in…

 … and that’s just an appetizer

Within two hours of plopping his Dilbert calendar and family photographs on the Resolute Desk, he’ll have signed an executive order to cashier every one of the Obama czars.  Then he’ll sign one to approve the oil pipeline from Canada to Houston.  By lunch, he’ll have moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  Next up would be re-instituting Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy, to forbid spending money to subsidize abortion overseas…  

By the time ex-President Obama “lands in Chicago,” he aims to have repealed “40 percent of Obama’s government.”

Then the munchkins of the Establishment would get to clutch their “fairness” and “revenue-neutral” teddy bears, suck their thumbs, and watch as President Gingrich proceeded to “create the most dynamic economy on the plane…

Newt’s economic plans include:

Oh, and he won’t be bowing to any Saudi kings.

But that’s not all!  Be sure to drop by, where you can bathe your mind in “an immense amount of material.”

According to Gingrich, we face now an hour similar to 1980, 1984, and 1994, when a bold conservatism presented with vigor can rally independent and moderate voters, who might otherwise be cowed by the Left’s moralistic commands to continue America’s downward spiral. 

Where Rick Santorum offered a focused table of contents for his proposed Administration, and Mitt Romney spent half of his speech talking about his biography, Gingrich is already working on the footnotes and appendix. 

But is his exhaustive list of proposals really too much for one Administration?  Barack Obama hasn’t been shy about swinging executive power like a wrecking ball.  Why can’t it be used constructively?

For Newt Gingrich, the historic election ahead will be a choice between those who cleave to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Federalist Papers, versus Barack Obama and the Saul Alinsky radicals.  He calls for hitting the “reset button” and rebuilding America, instead of managing its decay.  None of the Establishments talk like that.

John Hayward is a staff writer for HUMAN EVENTS, and author of the recently published Doctor Zero: Year One. Follow him on Twitter: Doc_0. Contact him by email at

From comments aka garden of wisdom:

I dream of a President that has plans such as this AND is willing to do it!  I just hope there are enough of us out here ready, willing and able to send Newt to Washington to do it!


Notice the Drudgereport, Foxnation, and others. Not a word on Gingrich today either, instead we have articles on Ann Coulter to fill the void. Reading to much into things? Maybe. We shall see eh?


To watch Newt operate in spite of all that is a wonder to behold! If the full weight of a hostile mainstream media can't stop him, there is no terrorist in the world that can even intimidate him! LOL


I'm going to go out on a limb and say something I rarely do regarding a politician: I believe Newt.  He may fail to achieve all his stated objectives, but I do believe he will try his best to achieve them, and they're necessary, worthwhile goals.

I suspect he's tried to straddle the gulf, keeping one foot in the "the establishment" and another outside it -- in the past.  But now that "they" are trying to amputate both his legs, I think he's jumped over to our side ...  hopefully, for good (intended as a double-meaning).

I just wish, and hope, that more of "us" realize it.


This is what it is going to take to right this ship from its trip into socialist hell.  There is no comparison between what this brilliant man offers and the other candidates.

Newt is substance.  The others are talking points.

We all need to help.  Spread the word.  Help financially.  Whatever you can do to help him spread his message to every American.  The establishment surely isn't going to help, so we MUST.

The power is with the people!


Looking for a job? Newt 2012!  Want a balanced budget and less government interference?  Newt 2012!  Hoping to grow your business and hire more people?  Newt 2012!


Be Bold Vote Newt. *

Who gives a rip about Newt's so-called negatives. I'll venture to say that he has no more than most American presidents. What he does have is intelligence, ideas and experience in changing the government.  So enough of the tired old too many negatives B.S.. It's far beyond stale. Grow up and vote NEWT! * Bold is a fundamental quality of America. There is a long list of people that were quite bold & proposed brave ideas that lead to the birth of this nation. Men willing to fight & die if needed for their ideas. Ideas such as liberty, freedom - I don't think anyone bitched about things just not being 'fair'. *

1 posted on 02/11/2012 10:49:22 PM PST by true believer forever
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To: true believer forever

I’d say the biggest negative is lying to voters. Therefore, both Mitt and Rick have the biggest negatives.

2 posted on 02/11/2012 10:58:36 PM PST by presently no screen name
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To: true believer forever
By the time ex-President Obama “lands in Chicago,” he aims to have repealed “40 percent of Obama’s government.”


3 posted on 02/11/2012 11:01:12 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma (PRAY for this country like your life depends on it....)
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To: true believer forever

Thanks for this copy!

5 posted on 02/11/2012 11:25:18 PM PST by matthew fuller (Obama has definitely earned a second term- 99 years in Leavenworth USP.)
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To: true believer forever; kalee; TitansAFC; LuvFreeRepublic; Sea Parrot; SweetCaroline; ...

Newt Gingrich for President Ping List!

6 posted on 02/11/2012 11:26:36 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: true believer forever

get your pitchfork ready.... & some $$$$, too...kick [b@$t@rd] OBozo, back to the Windy City. :-D

7 posted on 02/11/2012 11:31:30 PM PST by skinkinthegrass (Kill the terrorists, Protect (all) the borders, ridicule all the (remaining) Liberals :^)
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To: true believer forever

"We'll keep our God, our guns, our Constitution!"

8 posted on 02/11/2012 11:33:04 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: true believer forever
Newt is substance. The others are talking points.

Onward and Upward!

10 posted on 02/11/2012 11:41:09 PM PST by b9 (NEWT all the way)
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To: true believer forever
In 1995 Washington Times has called Newt “the indispensable leader” and Time Magazine, in naming him Man of the Year for 1995, said, “Leaders make things possible. Exceptional leaders make them inevitable. Newt Gingrich belongs in the category of the exceptional."

In November 2011 - Thomas Purcell wrote: Newt is Needed

"What we really need now is a GREAT President, one that can consolidate government, clean up the issues of foreign policy and taxation, and one that has a firm grasp on the economy. Newt is the guy that also understands you don’t need to reinvent the wheel; simply replacing the flat tire with a new one is what is going to work best. Newt is the thinking man’s choice. He is the choice for restoring our nation to a Constitutional government and open up economic opportunities. This is Newt Gingrich. No matter what the polls say, this is how America should vote for prosperous tomorrow."

Thomas Purcell in 1968 was the youngest member of Mensa in the country at that time- and is to date, the highest tested individual in Mensa at that age. He is the author of the column 'Conservative Issues from the Desert'.

20 posted on 02/12/2012 12:08:22 AM PST by Marguerite (When I'm good, I am very, very good. But! When I'm bad, I'm even better)
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To: true believer forever

Willard won the CPAC straw thingy...
Republicans must not want an actual conservative..
They didnt want Michele Bachmann either..

Why would anybody vote for a synthetic democrat..(Romney)..
Romney is the New Juan McLaim...

When they could vote for a real one.. You know Negrodamus..

21 posted on 02/12/2012 12:10:23 AM PST by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole...)
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To: true believer forever
"This is the year to reset this country in a decisive, bold way. We need to teach the Republican establishment a lesson. We are determined to rebuild America not to manage its decay."

--Newt Gingrich, CPAC, February 10, 2012

22 posted on 02/12/2012 12:11:28 AM PST by beaversmom
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To: true believer forever
Requiring mandatory business-led training those who receive unemployment benefits

Kind of a one size fits all requirement.

I don't need retraining. I've got a masters' plus about 30 more grad hours, in electrical/electonic engineering. I've got over 30 years experience in the defense industry, much of it at the "cutting edge", in the sense that much of my work was done in either the pre-proposal, or development stages of programs, or in internal R&D.

What I need it a job, making systems to whack the bad guys, or protect the good guys, or train them. I'm long term unemployed. Long being 14 months. I apply for at least a half dozen jobs a week, often more. I'm not stuck with one location either, anywhere in Texas, or even Oklahoma, will do. I've even applied for 2 jobs (which were really the same one with two different companies) in Nebraska and one in Kansas. Have had two on site interviews (which were the about the best matches of the jobs I've applied for) which were no more than 10 miles apart in the DFW "mid cities" area, and a half dozen or so phone screening interviews. But offers? None, nada, zip.

I got Clinton-sized and was out of work for 5 months, and really only looked seriously for about 3 months of that (had a good severance package). Now I'm been Obamified, and I've been out for 14 months, with not as much severance, since I had not been at the 2nd employer but half as long and they gave us 60 days notice, while the previous one chose to pay us for an extra 60 days above and beyond the severance ammount. Obama has been much worse than "I loathe the military" Billy Jeff.

30 posted on 02/12/2012 12:25:19 AM PST by El Gato ("The second amendment is the reset button of the US constitution"-Doug McKay)
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To: true believer forever; onyx; All
This is great! This is the way to campaign. It takes all the guess work out of what will the candidates do when they are elected.

Everyone's biggest fear is that of the big three still running,Newt,Mitt and Santorum they won't do the right thing. All this is based on past performance.Campaigning like this spells it out and it will fly everywhere.

66 posted on 02/12/2012 3:59:03 AM PST by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin 2012)
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To: true believer forever

See, THIS is the Newt who should have been campaigning since before Iowa! I knew he was there, but was hiding. I hope there’s enough time to make a difference!

76 posted on 02/12/2012 5:05:31 AM PST by Yashcheritsiy
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To: true believer forever

Thanks for the post. It neatly sums up exactly why we should support Newt. Newt not only has a vision of what America should be but has a laid out a specific plan to get us there.

No other candidate has done that.

84 posted on 02/12/2012 7:09:41 AM PST by FerociousRabbit
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To: true believer forever

There’s so much misinformation flying around,a lot of stuff to sort through. Exactly how many delegates are needed to determine which candidate gets into the general election?

98 posted on 02/12/2012 10:25:54 AM PST by gimme1ibertee ("Criticism......brings attention to an unhealthy state of things"-Winston Churchill)
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To: true believer forever

Newt Gingrich Can Improve Upon His Goals By, Really, Doing These Things: First, to the best of human abilities, find each and every penny of waste, fraud, and abuses of each and every level of the U.S. government.-No exemptions, and no excuses! Next, show all of your findings to the general public, for all to see. Next, take all of the best actions possible to, truly, get rid of it all. Next, do all that you can to, always and seriously, work towards the goal of getting rid of all taxes and all fees that do exist. Next, find the most successful ways of, truly, moving towards the full privatization of as much of the U.S. government as can be possible. And, finally and always, encourage the rest of the world governments to do the exact same things with their governments.

119 posted on 02/12/2012 7:09:45 PM PST by johnthebaptistmoore (If leftist legislation that's already in place really can't be ended by non-leftists, then what?)
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To: true believer forever

really appreciate you posting this. it’s all great, — and, my very favorite part was....

“By lunch, he’ll have moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”


123 posted on 02/12/2012 10:20:50 PM PST by zorro8987
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