Posted on 02/08/2012 6:17:12 PM PST by Wayne07
LOS ANGELES (CBS) When you head down to the beach for a little fun this summer, county officials want you to leave the pigskin at home.
The Board of Supervisors this week agreed to raise fines to up to $1,000 for anyone who throws a football or a Frisbee on any beach in Los Angeles County.
In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public.
The updated rules now prohibit any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll any object other than a beach ball or volleyball upon or over any beach between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Exceptions allow for ball-throwing in predesignated areas, when a person obtains a permit, or playing water polo in or over the Pacific Ocean.
However, during the winter off-season, the new rules will be relaxed.
Officials warned that any activities that could potentially any person or property on or near the beach should not be allowed during the peak summer season.
Your kids could also end up costing you big bucks: the ordinance also prohibits digging any hole deeper than 18 inches into the sand except where permission is granted for film and TV production services only.
Does this apply to State beaches within LA county as well, or just county beaches? There are both.
Kinda like that story the other day about playgrounds being empty because they’ve been turned into soft little jails wherein it is impossible to get hurt.
Too many frisbee-throwers must have broken ankles stumbling into holes more than 18 inches deep, I suppose...
They should keep it in cetain areas of the beach; there is nothing more annoying than being in the middle of a bunch of latecomers who can’t find room for their game (”Sorry dude” gets old the 3rd or 4th time). As a frequent visitor to the Jersey shore, I’d love to add a bunch of regulations myself, mostly to stop paper plates covered with greasy Brazilian barbecue sauce from blowing around like a tickertape parade of smelly flypaper. No more gnawed bones tucked in the sand (like cigarettes - I don’t mind if they smoke them, but when you see a cluster tucked in the sand as though it is a massive ashtray that is nasty), no more foreigners swimming in underwear (leaves little to the imagination, and I have kids), the list goes on and on...
Before anyone fires away and calls me a “fascist”, I’ll save you the trouble: I’m a fascist. I believe Darth Vader was right to want to bring order to the galaxy...
People can drown in the water. People get sunburn laying near naked in the sun plus its a cancer hazard. The days for recreation at the beach are numbered.
It is also amusing to consider that they can always find chumps to be the cops and judges to enforce these laws. There will always be people willing to trade self respect and dignity for a paycheck.They always have the Nuremburg defense.
Cops have become overpaid and corrupt GED educated thugs. These are folks who would otherwise work the drive through at Taco Bell. Judges and prosecutors are just unemployed personal injury lawyers or out of work State Legislators. I am amazed that “we” subject ourselves to these kind of swine.
The politicians who pass these laws can always sell shiite sandwiches by promising safety and order to an undereducated populace.
Well Marcia Brady approves, especially footballs.
Actually I see their point but there are always going to be rude, thoughtless people and you can’t put them all in jail.
You just shoot them.
This can’t be real, right? Com’n, this HAS to be a joke, is MTV somewhere filming an episode of “Punk’d?” You know what, we ain’t going to have to wait for Red China or Iran to blow us up, we are doing a dang good job of it ourselves. Hearing this, there are days that I do think that it is time to thin the herd. Costa Rica is looking good too.
You're correct, you're a facist. Glad you're in noo joursey.....please stay there....
Also, beaches really aren't as densely crowded as they used to get, or they get on the east coast in the summer. This is a picture of Santa Monica last summer, the busiest beach in LA County. Plenty of room to throw a football around.
there are also city beaches. The Board of Supervisors governs the county.
I wonder if this s**t will come to Florida.
I have yet to hear of one major injury involving a Frisbee or a football at the beach.
BTW: How do you play water polo OVER the ocean?
If you tightly control the little things, the big things will come easily.
Our fascist bully governor Christie is trying to get us Americans to stay by easing our socialist tax burden and stopping the bleeding of jobs; maybe I will stay. An hour in one direction, the ocean; an hour in another, mountains. What else could one want?
I don’t imagine you have a lot of us heading to Oklahoma...
Then, on second thought, they may tell you that you CAN'T wear underwear - it might inhibit sexual predatory recreation!
It undermines the profession of law enforcement (and changes who wants to be involved) when the job dictates you be a petty tyrant and tax collector. Cracking down on jaywalking and football throwing in instead of rape, robbery, murder and the real problems of the city.
Are you still allowed to ogle the beach bunnies, or is that illegal too? Probably only legal to ogle someone of the same sex as yourself, this being California.
Perhaps a little sand in the face?
What the hell good is the beach if you can't run your dog after a frisbee.
I can see the law being extended to parks soon, after all, they play football and frisbee there as well.
Effin fools, and the fools who put them there.
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