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Vanity: Will Palin's FB piece on GOP-E and Newt be reported on?

Posted on 01/28/2012 6:36:01 AM PST by vmivol00

Has anyone other than Freerepublic published Sarah Palin's latest piece on Facebook regarding the GOP-E, Mittens, and Newt?

I really think it could help I'm guessing that means no one outside of FR will report on it. I have to think Palin's pseudo-endorsement in SC helped push Newt over the top. In guessing the Romneybots, and the GOP-E are pissing their pants at the thought of this story getting out.

All this being said, I'm really glad she wrote it, but her timing was poor. Typically the DC folks dump documents and stories on Friday nights to minimize the number of folks who see it. Somehow this story needs to be front and center on Monday morning.

If Romney ends up as the nominee, there is no way I can vote for him. If we are going to have a gun grabbing socialist in the Whitehouse, I would rather it be a Democrat. I am conservative first and GOP second. I refuse to vote for the architect of socialized medicine in America. By pushing Romney, the GOP is showing how out of touch they are with the people. I am predicting the end of GOP as conservatives know it. This election has proven that we are no longer welcome in the GOP. I can only hope that Palin and some of the Tea Party House members will hand together to start something new.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: newt; palin; vanity
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To: ZX12R; wtc911

“YOU are the one being led to the slaughter by the (lesser of two evils) ring in your nose.”

I do not accept that Romney -is- a lesser evil. The official acts and cynical calculations of both these men are great evils, and are very comparable evils. Statist R versus Statist D. A President Romney is arguably worse because Republicans will not oppose him at any turn, and he is not the unfocused and slothful bum that Obama is.

Which concentration camp would be worse? The one run by the easily distracted slacker, or the one run by the diligent functionary?

41 posted on 01/28/2012 7:52:45 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Voodoo Republicans: Don't read their lips - watch their hands.)
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To: stonehouse01

Sorry for the double post.

42 posted on 01/28/2012 7:53:19 AM PST by stonehouse01 (Equal rights for unborn women)
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To: wtc911

Take a look at the judges Romney appointed. An overwhelming majority of them are registered Democrats. They are overwhelmingly liberal. Why is it surprising or shocking that he would appoint judges that share his views?

It would be shocking if he were to actually appoint a conservative. Of course he and the rest of GOP will tell you that because they know it’s what you want to hear.

It’s Lucy and the football. Don’t be a Charlie Brown. Kick that (fill in the blank) in the head instead!

43 posted on 01/28/2012 7:58:10 AM PST by vmivol00 (I won't be reconstructed.)
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To: ZX12R

I believe that’s what I read on Drudge this morning.

44 posted on 01/28/2012 7:58:49 AM PST by RoadTest (There is one god, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.)
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To: Psalm 144
I do not accept that Romney -is- a lesser evil.

Then you simply have no real idea what is at stake in this election. Thanks for not caring, and just going along again.
45 posted on 01/28/2012 7:59:33 AM PST by ZX12R (FUBO GTFO 2012 ! We should take off and Newt washington from orbit.)
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To: InterceptPoint

“GOP-E = GOP Elite. I call them Gopies.”

I call them the nomenklatura:

“1. The system of patronage to senior positions in the bureaucracy of the Soviet Union and some other Communist states, controlled by committees at various levels of the Communist Party.
2. (used with a pl. verb) The lists of appointees matching the lists of patronage positions in such a system.
3. (used with a pl. verb) The appointees to these positions: “The . . . nomenklatura are perceived as draft-immune” (Anthony Arnold).
4. The stratified, privileged class composed of these appointees.”

46 posted on 01/28/2012 8:02:08 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Voodoo Republicans: Don't read their lips - watch their hands.)
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To: wtc911

“I am no fan of Romney but another four years of obama will give us two more activist, lesbian SCJs “

Not if they can’t get through the Senate approval process. And THAT is why it is imperative that we flood the Senate AND the House with conservatives!

47 posted on 01/28/2012 8:03:24 AM PST by battletank
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To: Psalm 144
Your Romney = Obama statement is pure hyperbole. Romney is no conservative but he is not an anti-America, anti-capitalist, marxist, muslim, racist, class warfare leading apologist either.

I do not want to see him get the nod but if he does I will vote for him...hell, I'd vote for you over obama.

The Supreme Court is the true prize here. Two more obama picks and we will see forty years of radical, marxist activism that will destroy the republic.

Prove that point wrong....if you can.

48 posted on 01/28/2012 8:03:42 AM PST by wtc911 (Amigo - you've been had.)
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Comment #49 Removed by Moderator

To: wtc911

See 43 above for response to your judicial argument. I’ll be back directly for my comparison of the external adversary Obama and the internal enemy Romney.

50 posted on 01/28/2012 8:08:27 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Voodoo Republicans: Don't read their lips - watch their hands.)
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To: Psalm 144

Rome wasn’t sacked in a day.

51 posted on 01/28/2012 8:12:03 AM PST by Paladin2
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To: wtc911

“The Supreme Court is the true prize here ...”

Yes and I do not trust him for the picks. I live in the northeast and the fact that Scott Brown voters like him will never resonate.

Why was Romney there anyway? What was a millionaire mormon doing outside of his natural domain? Not good.

52 posted on 01/28/2012 8:14:27 AM PST by stonehouse01 (Equal rights for unborn women)
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To: wtc911

From another post, my assessment of just how different Romney and Obama are. I will resist both of these malefactors in any way I can, for the duration.


I think a nadir has been reached with Romney where truly, we have a distinction without a difference. Always we must select between flawed people. That is a given. Here though, both are so close to absolute moral voids that I cannot see a practical distinction.

Here is another analogy. A choice must be made between two men:

One is Ernst Julius Röhm, head of the Sturmabteilung, or ‘Brownshirts’. He is a Nazi. He is a personally brutish, squalid and morally depraved street thug. He is a drug abuser and a sexual predator and pervert. He is a chaotic train wreck.

The other is Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, leader of the Schutzstaffel, or SS. Like Röhm, Himmler is a Nazi. Unlike Röhm, Himmler is self controlled. In his personal life Himmler is a teetotaler, a non-smoker, and he is a family man, faithful to his wife and loving towards his daughter. In his professional life Himmler is orderly, diligent, detail oriented and punctilious. He is an effective and honest administrator.

Which is the ‘better’ man? Which would you vote for, as between the two? In the event, Hitler opted for Himmler on the Night of the Long Knives. Indeed, for his purposes Himmler was the better man.

But say the choice was yours. Which of these men would you advance, if the power was held in your hands? How could you advance either one without aiding and abetting evil?

Romney and Obama have proven, demonstrable track records.

1) Both are responsible for entrenching and enabling abortion at will, and doubtless have effected more of them through their policies, Romney by making it cheaper with money taken in taxes from the general population, and Obama by holding the line as long as he could for post birth infanticide.

2) Both are contemptuous of the Second Amendment rights of Americans, which is to say the natural right of all persons to self defense.

3) Both are willing to compel government ‘health care’, which by definition can rightly be called ‘health control’. This is not the State in one’s bedroom, this is the State in one’s very medicine cabinet and ultimately veins - or not. It is, after all, not the individual’s decision anymore.

4) Both are economic predators, as seen by their embrace not only of the TARP legislation, but the whole ideology behind TARP. There is a distinction in that Romney is corporatist, and Obama is a syndicalist, but that is as significant as whether one is eaten by hyenas or eaten by jackals.

5) Both have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to advancing homosexual copulatory arrangements and dignifying those liaisons with the name ‘marriage’.

6) Both are brazen deceivers, who have never admitted error, fault, or guilt as far as I know.

I regard neither Romney nor Obama as ‘lesser evils’. Both of these statist sociopaths are such great evils that I cannot and will not assist either one to greater power and influence. They are comparable, analogous great evils who I reject and oppose with every fiber of my being. I will not participate in this game. That is my stand.

53 posted on 01/28/2012 8:17:25 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Voodoo Republicans: Don't read their lips - watch their hands.)
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To: sergeantdave
"Let’s do that, okay?"

Yep, fight on. There is so much legal and political infrastructure support of the 2-party system in the US that it'd be faster to take over the GOP than to get a third party into second place to gain the system advantage.

54 posted on 01/28/2012 8:19:46 AM PST by Paladin2
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To: vmivol00
I think if Palin gave Newt her full support losing FL wouldn’t happen.

Palin needs to take a little advice from Todd.

55 posted on 01/28/2012 8:20:02 AM PST by Logical me
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To: ZX12R

POST OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!......

Well said!

56 posted on 01/28/2012 8:20:38 AM PST by M-cubed
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To: wtc911
You stated to the Boss a few months back that you were not coming back, yet here you are.

Romney looks real good about now to you, or were you always kind of a romney type?

57 posted on 01/28/2012 8:20:43 AM PST by going hot (Happiness is a momma deuce)
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To: vmivol00; Psalm 144
Take a look at the judges Romney appointed. An overwhelming majority of them are registered Democrats.


Democrats judge choices in Massachussetts? Shocking!

The FR's favorite consevative, Palin, appointed a former director of Planned Parenthood to the state bench. This woman was so liberal that three years later obama put her on the federal bench.

What does that say about whom Palin would pick if given the chance?

The argument here supporting her choice is that a democrat assembly sent her nothing but liberal choices.

Name the conservative options that Romney had and rejected in favor of registered dems.

58 posted on 01/28/2012 8:23:02 AM PST by wtc911 (Amigo - you've been had.)
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To: wtc911
Two more obama picks and we will see forty years of radical, marxist activism that will destroy the republic.

As if it isn't destroyed already.

59 posted on 01/28/2012 8:25:20 AM PST by Lazamataz (Norm Lenhart knows nothing about reloading.)
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To: wtc911

Are you saying these were the best he could come up with in the entire state of Massachusetts? He will select people as souless and malleable as he is, no matter what office he occupies.

60 posted on 01/28/2012 8:27:43 AM PST by Psalm 144 (Voodoo Republicans: Don't read their lips - watch their hands.)
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