He is one sneaky character (reminds me of Eddie Haskell).
Screw the People. We are your betters. We know better than you. You are fools. Shut up, get to work (if you have a job) and pay your taxes.
which we all knew
This has been a bizarre primary, but the conduct of the insiders and their arrogance has led me to be firmly behind Newt Gingrich. I want to put these a$$hole consultants out of business.
Oh, I’m sure one of Romney’s slick advisors really was willing to gab to this guy about replacements for his boss. This story has 0% credibility.
Ted Kennedy is dead and Obama probably won't switch parties.
So. They still have to get whoever they “select” enough delegates to win. That means winning primary elections.
If Mitt loses because Gingrich gets the majority of votes, are people suddenly going to give up Gingrich for another Milquetoast? They have to stop Gingrich, not select someone else.
And running another Bush (after only four years) is just too stupid for words.
Nope. Wishful thinking. They’re going to have to run it by us.
They’re eyeing Mitch Daniels. He’s giving the rebut to the SOTU tonight.
Remember when Bobby Jindal bombed a few years ago with the rebut? I predict lifeless Mitch to do worse tonight.
Their going back to Daniels. Just wait until the media get through ‘discussing’ the fact that he shared an apartment with 2 others that ran a MAJOR drug dealing operation (and all three got arrested).
...after all, there is a reason why Mitch dropped out last May.
They’re eyeing Mitch Daniels. He’s giving the rebut to the SOTU tonight.
Remember when Bobby Jindal bombed a few years ago with the rebut? I predict lifeless Mitch to do worse tonight.
Bob Dole might be up for another try.
Your pissing the people off even more than they are now
If there are elites who really believe this, then I think they are delusional. Santorum probably can’t stay in much after Florida and Ron Paul has his ceiling of around 10% nationally. I expect the primaries will deliver a winner between Newt and Romney and there won’t be any justification for even talking about a brokered convention.
Another Bush? After the George W. Bush Fiasco? I don’t think so.
Anybody here think Bain Capital manages a lot of “Republican Elite Wealth”...and, seeing the bennies Goldman Sachs et al reaped at the trough of the US Treasury, they themselves just MIGHT want a place at the trough?
What the freaking F???????
Hey GOP Elites... I’ve got any idea for an ‘alternative’ to Romney- HOW ABOUT THE GUY WHO WINS THE PRIMARY? (Newt is going to crush him)
The Beltway’s really a wall, then, and the Potomac a sort of moat. Interesting.
Makes me not want to go there again. Sherrif of Nottingham and Prince John come to mind.
This "top Romney advisor"--and all the rest of 'em--will be pounding the pavement looking for janitorial jobs if they keep this up.
This "top Romney advisor's" remark alone is going to drive significant numbers into the Gingrich camp.