Why no questions about immigration? A sop to Perry?
“good” Democrats”
Mythical beast alert!
romney and hunstman are democrats.
Aren’t “good” DemocRATS those that vote at least once in every election but no one has seen them around for the past 20 years?
Rinos are good Democrats.
Gotta find 'em first.
FUMR!! Romney never met a big government progressive program he didn’t like. We don’t want to work with the liberty killing, America-hating socialist/Marxist Democrats. We want to CRUSH them!!
Romney should be a democrat. He is at heart.
Never heard of a good Democrat.
He is one of them.
Romney shot himself in the foot with what he said tonight.
Yeah, I think we all know how a “President Romney” would play out, and it would have disaster written all over it.
Like Romney worked with Ted Kennedy?? That makes a “good” Democrat = full on American hating Communist. No thanks!!!
Oh, my. “Good” democrat is an oxymoron if I have ever seen or heard one. You will now be forever known as Mitt Romneycrat. We all know what that “reaching out” crap leads to. Get lost Mitt.
The only “good” Democrats died a long time ago.
Romney is a fake, phoney and fraud - a two bit chip off his Dad’s block.
AND, if ANYONE was in DOUBT, TODAY, Chris Christie came out and endorsed Romney. Christie was featured in a photo op with Romney some time ago.
Imagine, now WHY in the WORLD would Chris Christie back ROMNEY so EARLY????
HMMMMMMM, let me see. Chris Christie, attorney and former US Attorney. Chris Christie campaigns for and endorses Romney. Romney gets elected. Chris Christie becomes.................... THE ATTORNEY GENERAL!!!!!
Phew!! That was HARD reckoning!!!!!
Just THINK of it. NO NONSENSE Chris Christie in the Attorney General’s Office. Anti-Second Amendment, Anti-First Amendment, pro-illegal, PRO MUSLIM Chris Christie deciding WHAT cases to pursue.
NO BRAINER. ABR - ANYBODY but Romney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Running to the center before the first primary, eh?
Yeah, that’s what GW Bush thought also.
First, all of the decent Democrats have passed on. The ones who did not hate this great nation. The Democratic Party in its present form, a party now influenced by agent of foreign governments hostile to this nation, must be utterly obliterated.
McCain Part Deux...The RINO Returns.
There is no such creature as a “good” DumocRAT.
Another aisle-crosser.