Posted on 10/05/2011 4:50:17 PM PDT by Kaslin
Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died in California. Jobs was 56.
His death was reported by The Associated Press, citing Apple.
Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in 1976 and, with his childhood friend Steve Wozniak, marketed what was considered the world's first personal computer, the Apple II.
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He looked very ill when he stepped down
Prayers for his family. This is truly sad.
Ooops, sorry, a bit of Android ‘Inside Baseball.’
Rooting allows you to gain more control over the operating system of the android device. Galaxy 10 is powered by Android. When you get that control, you can load custom ROMS (like a modified operating system) with more featured, less bloat, better battery life, etc.
I rooted and customized my Android phone. It’s cool.
But when I do give Jobs his due credit, it is as a designer and entrepreneur. Xerox had developed much of what we think of coming from Apple, but what did they do with it? Their management kept it closed up, and chose not to bring many technologies to market. Jobs saw the potential, and took the entrepreneurial risk. The result is that on the day of his death, Xerox is a 101B market cap company, and an also ran in technology. Apple is a 350B market cap company, most of which comes from Jobs, and still blazing a trail in technology.
Its a shame Jobs did not work for Xerox. The future would have happened at least ten years earlier.
Yes, indeed! If you look at his life story, it's full of major contributions to the world. Here's just one. His wanderings in Asia while young, in order to seek enlightenment. He studied caligraphy and learned all there was in different fonts. During development of the Lisa/Macintosh, Jobs pushed the idea of different scalable fonts and WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get). His idea, all his own, and it changed computing forever.
That’s very sad.
I’m very sorry to hear this.
Years ago, I’d drive through my old stomping grounds, Palo Alto, CA. Job’s house was there in a really cool neighborhood where I have relatives (Jobs had an unusual-looking house that had a sort of “Hobbits” look with a roof like a thatched roof). Sometimes at night, if I drove by, I could see Steve at his computer at a lit window. Hard to think he’s gone.
The first computer I owned was an Apple 2e. Then I was corrupted by IBM and PC and now I’m back with my iPhone 4, my iMac, and my Macbookair. I still have one PC to do a few things on but moving more and more to my macs.
I’m old enough to remtiember manual typewriters and rotary phones. We’ve come a long way since then, thanks to Mr. Jobs and others like him.
Thank you Mr. Jobs and may you rest in peace.
If there is an iHeaven, Steve miscalculated very badly.
He was expecting an iNirvana.
May God rest his soul. He was certainly a revolutionary business man and contributed a lot to the advance of high technology and communications.
The first computer I programmed was a II+ (a friend’s) and now that is what I do for a living. Apple and BASIC were the root of it all for me.
Shame. RIP
I didn’t realize that this was coming this soon, so I guess he really ran the company as long as he possibly could.
My thoughts exactly. F@ck cancer.
So incredibly sad to lose him. He is the poster boy for what is possible with lots of hard work and inginuity. Too bad those that are wasting their valuable youth on protesting don’t see him as a role model. Only the good die young!
Prayers for Steve and his family. He changed the world. And stayed at the helm even through a horrible illness. THat is dedication and a love of what you do. I could learn from that. Thank you Steve, RIP.
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