Posted on 07/22/2011 7:09:28 PM PDT by Eurotwit
Oslo Police having a press conference now.
Saying at least 80 kids have been massacred.
The police did their job. They put up a perimeter around the action to make sure no one got out. (Sort of like how they put a perimeter around Columbine high school and waited for the killers to kill themselves.)
What would you expect the cops to do? Engage the bad guys?
That would be dangerous. The bad guys will eventually run out of ammo or living targets.
It is science!
But, keep putting your faith in the cops to protect you and save you.
How convenient that just a couple days ago, Homeland Security put out a video instructing us that the most likely terrorists are middle-class white people.
The police sat by and let the slaughter happen because they were afraid of explosives. Proud to Be and American! And home of the brave!!!!!
He had served in the military for 1 year, when he was 18. Read it yesterday.
"From what I read he was fed up with the Norwegian ruling-classs refusal to confront the Muslim problem, so therefore he decided to kill THEIR children."You seem to be right on the money. So few on FR seem to be able to put the pieces together. Unfortunately the aftermath of this atrocity will be exactly opposite to the political message he was trying to achieve. There will be ever more draconian anti-gun measures (I understand from these threads that Norway was fairly permissive on gun ownership - until NOW - by European standards.) Expect that to go out the window. Anyone daring to criticize Muslim immigration or the NEGATIVE aspects of multiculturalism shall be labeled a dangerous extremist from now on. And sympathy towards Socialist parties and their policies. Just watch and see.
I really appreciate all the information you have provided already and will also appreciate any further you can provide if you know. Thanks.
Thank you.....The helicopter was not armed to fire at the perp. No he did not fire at it. That’s the news I have on that thus far...but dust still isn’t settled yet...I suspect things will come to gether more and more...
I'm not prepared to agree with that. First of all most people with political leanings, and activism, don't go shooting mass amounts of children..especially their own. Except for Islamic terrorists and nazi terrorists. His politics were far far too the right and why he could not get the notoriety he sought.
This guy was turned down for jobs he hoped for where he believed his opinions should bring him notoriety and an opportunity to advance his own personal cause, which was to be a leader. He became a target for those, whoever they are, who worked with him on this orchestrated happening.
Even the police say he could not have done this alone. I agree. There is far too much dis-information out there currently to make a true assessment IMO.
Remember this guy yelled out "This is only the beginning" who was he representing?
I’m just saying because he was in the military he might have had special training with explosives.
"I think this is going to further the nationalistic cause more than anything else. There is no way that native Norweigans are going to let lily livered politicians get away with doing nothing or importing more Muslims."How are you able to reach this conclusion? Everything I've seen points to the contrary. So far there is no indication the perp is a muslim, or associated with islam in any way. This is going to HURT the nationalist causes more than anything else. There are going to be pledges for more diversity, more multiculturalism and people who espouse views critical of immigration, multiculturalism and socialism will be labeled extremist and painted with a broad brush because of this guy. Mark my words.
"I'm not prepared to agree with that. First of all most people with political leanings, and activism, don't go shooting mass amounts of children..especially their own. Except for Islamic terrorists and nazi terrorists. His politics were far far too the right and why he could not get the notoriety he sought."While we should wait and see for more information to emerge, bloodletting by opposing political factions is not unheard of in Europe. Historically, atrocities have been committed against civilians from the "other" side, guilt by association. Think of the civil wars in Europe.
A knowledgeable person told me today that it was interesting that his lily white photo was in the news so quickly. Apparently, the perp walk used in the US is very rare in Europe, with identity of criminals often not known until after the trial. Norway’s govt. must be very fearful of an anti-muslim backlash, and with good reason Based on population, their death toll is now more than twice our 9/11 deaths.
This will probably get me flamed, but, do you have statistics on how many deaths Christianity has caused: Crusades, Albigensian Heresy, Spanish Inquisition, conquest of the New World by Spain to save the natives from paganism, Hundred Years War, Catholic vs Protestant wars in England and Europe? There is a reason our founding fathers kept religion out of government. With modern Christianity, hopefully we have evolved beyond this insanity. Unfortunately, Islam is about 300 or more years behind us.
Here is a link following newest info on this tragedy, with dozens of links to other news sources.
What was his MOS in the military? Might he have had contacts still in the military that enabled him to get the high energy explosives needed to detonate low energy explosives like fertilizer? What kind were his 3 legal guns? Are multi round automatics and semi-automatics allowed in Norway? Were any of them long guns and if so were this large magazine types?
Any murders/slaughters that have been perpetrated in the name of Christianity (falsely, since Jesus never taught to kill others because they believe slightly differently) pales in contrast to Islamij jihad, nonstop since 700 AD.
I must have been looking at something truncated that mentioned Beslan that made it look like a lot fewer than this. But I went back and looked for a full article. It said 334 dead, including 186 children, hundreds more injured.
Apparently he had been in the military for one year, at age 18.
One link on HuffPo went here:!/ketilbstensrud/status/94870163056373762
BREAKING: Here you can download the Oslo/Utøya gunman’s manifest, in which he gives detailed account of planned attack.
48 minutes ago via web
Then at the above link one has to then download the supposed manifesto, which I don’t want to do. He wrote/tweeted it in English? Have you seen it, any clues about it?
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