Wonder how all those wealthy Americans who moved to CR to avoid taxes are dealing with this?
How far is this from San Jose?
Do you know the way to San Jose?.........
I’ve read, and heard over the years of “all those wealthy Americans moving to Costa Rica to avoid taxes”, but never did I, nor still have not checked to see if I can I.D. what Political persuasion those folks are of.
Anybody have a clue? A link?
Not sure..
However Lakes have been vanishing in other places where quakes have occurred..
Vanishing Lakes: New Zealand reservoir mysteriously disappears during quake
March 8, 2011 HUNTSBURY, NZ 36 million liters of water mysteriously disappeared from a reservoir in Huntsbury New Zealand following the February 22nd 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch.
These events have occurred in the past and are now happening with greater frequency as geological forces under the ground continue to erode substrata. Our planet is undergoing massive change beneath our feet. This geological deformation will only accelerate and become more widespread with time as the pace of earthchanges intensify.
Disappearing lake phenomenon increasing: An entire lake disappeared overnight in the Nizhny Novgorod region, south of Moscow, in 2005. The lake is believed to have drained through a fault or fissure. See Russia.
2004 in Missouri. In 2007, an entire lake disappeared in Chile from likely another fault rupture during a quake. See Chile. In one of the strangest incidents of all, in September 0f 2010 the Iska River in Slovenia mysteriously disappeared overnight after residents near the river reported hearing a mysterious sonic boom and tremors. See Slovenia. (Video)
Upala is in the north of the country, near Lake Nicaragua. It’s not far from the city of Liberia, which is where Costa Rica’s other main airport is located (I’ve flown in and out of both).
-——Wonder how all those wealthy Americans who moved to CR to avoid taxes are dealing with this?-——
Orlin J Grabbe died
He would be astounded by the current price of gold. The Rand, his cyber currency, would ba about the only stable currency on the planet.