And also get rid of the coterie of sycophant Paultards that infest FR like stink bugs.
Horowitz needs to settle down. No on is going to “purge” ROn Paul.
Ron Pauls supporters....many of them are anti-semitic. Ron Paul is not anti-semitic. He just has no use for Israel or any foreign aid to any country
so what does this make Rand Paul?
The man is goofy. I hate it when the media call him the Tea Party darling. Uggggh!
I have no use for Ron Paul.
I stand with Israel - I fear soon they will be no more if Iran and the MB have anything to do with it.
Don’t worry David, I washed my hands of this looney tune back when he blamed America for 9-11. I love his son, but daddy is deranged.
Ron Paul is NOT A CONSERVATIVE!!! How many freekin’ times dose this have to be said?!? He is a Libertarian with an occasional conservative leaning. The infiltration of libertarians into what was once conservative enclaves is very problematic and purposefully so.
Well, let me ask you, the American Jewish vote is heavily Democrat, Paul’s supporters are at least either ubber Conservative or Budget Hawk Conservative.
What is the benefit of tossing Paul overboard in a political sense? Would the donation gap suddenly switch to the GOP instead of the Democrat Party among Jewish Americans?
Ron Paul belongs to the Pat Buchanan school: anti-Jewish and anti-Israel. I lost respect for Buchanan a long time ago. I have never had any for Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is a raging loon and I have to seriously question the sanity of anyone who doesn’t see it.
The line is drawn. Ron Paul is on the curse Israel side. Too bad for him.
How does being against sending US dollars overseas make one a ‘vicious anti-semite’???
Does voting against Obama make you a ‘vicious racist’?
I am 100% in support of Israel, and NOT a huge Paul supporter, but I hate when they toss names like this around.
I like his IDEAS but I dont want him to run for Pres.
The Left has their Larouchers, and we will always have our Paultards. But there isn't a hairs width of difference between the two.
Remember the St. Louis? Let's offer real help this time.
When has Ron Paul ever characterized the US and Israel as the Great Satan and the Little Satan? This smells like more of Horowitz’s over-the-top attacks. He disagrees with Paul; fine, but imputing Iran-style rhetoric to an opponent is gross hysteria and justifiable only if founded on the hardest of facts.
Ron Paul is a crackpot. Like Pat Buchanan, if he isn’t anti-Semitic, he is such a close clone that there is little difference.
Rand Paul, I don’t know. But the apple never falls far from the tree.
Well, let me put it this way, if simply supporting/not supporting the state of Israel is or is not anti-semitic, it’s more complicated than that. I am genuinely concerned with this state of Israel because biblically, relying on foreign alliances was not a good sign for the Lord’s people, such as allying with Egypt. I understand well that they are among the most liberal nations in the Middle East now, but how we deal with them as allies is certainly debatable, IMHO, questions have to be asked about that, and we may have to consider the details of how we do it.
As far as Ron Paul goes, it’s all a question of how voters go regarding him. They didn’t choose him in the past election, and I honestly believe his electoral results can handle whatever problems may arise regarding him.
Oh yeah, Ron Paul is such a hater for wanting to keep your tax dollars at home!
roll eyes for the tone-deaf