And what the hell does he mean by “call your bluff”’s a ridiculous statement that means absolutely nothing.
Threatening POS!
He means that when he tries to usurp people’s Constitutional freedoms in the name of “austerity” , he dares anyone to say anything. He thinks hes putting people in a corner where if you don’t agree with HIS choices to make cuts, you can’t propose your own ideas. Same as with Healthscam-it was either his reforms or no reforms.
I think it's Chicago Street Talk.
It means he and his commie red comrades are going to help themselves to more of our money, and we’ll like it, or else.
What a ridiculous, meaningless statement this is.
He's a stupid creep.
It’s a convoluted way to try to invert the criticism about his spending....first of all, never acknowledging it is his spending that is killing the economy—but saying “hey, if you’re so worried about the deficit, time to shut up and walk the walk...” in other words ante up to my coming tax increases to pay for MY political agenda that you didn’t want.
We are not only held hostgae by this thug, we are being openly raped and mocked now.
What you said. Man. This dude is something else.
Hopefully, we will have enough conservatives in Congress next year that will tell that jackass anything he sends to them will be DOA.
>And what the hell does he mean by call your bluff....its a ridiculous statement that means absolutely nothing.
It’s like his threat of ass-kicking...some image consultant has counseled him to undo his high survey scores on “effeminacy” and “impotence” by engaging in alpha male stunts like talking tough, wearing earth tones, etc.
“And what the hell does he mean by call your bluff....its a ridiculous statement that means absolutely nothing.”
I think he is saying the dumbass republicans are as addicted to spending us into oblivion as he is. And he is right.
The call is going to be “Don’t like deficits? Then raise taxes.”
“And what the hell does he mean by call your bluff....its a ridiculous statement that means absolutely nothing.”
Thanks - I thought I was the only one who didn’t get it. But I guess we should be used to him talking nonsensically.
He doesn't know how to lead. So he tosses the political equivalent of "in yo' face!" insults around instead. He thinks it makes him sound tough and decisive.
He means that he will offer, as a means of debt reduction, to slash the defense budget. When conservatives balk, he will claim that they are not serious about debt reduction. Conservatives should anticipate this and preempt it.
It is VERY simple.
Value Added Tax
He said and has never said anything about cutting spending in any meaningful amount. If we add a 15 or 20 percent tax on everything it will pay for all their wonderful programs UNTIL THE ECONOMY GRINDS TO A HALT.
Atlas Shrugged anybody??
He's going to propose a series of outrageously high tax increases and dare the GOP to oppose them. If they do, he'll accuse them of fiscal irresponsibility. The brainless left-wing media will parrot this line and it will become the new mantra of the Democrats.
It is child like and all about Me, Me, Me.