Does anyone else see “1861 re-do”? Only this time there will be no argument that it’s about states’ rights.
It is so obvious these clowns in charge today believe there should be no state borders.
Of course, they don’t want borders. It’s all part of Obama’s vision of one world government with himself in charge. He’s hell bent on world domination.
Or national ones either.
they don’[t want states rights because it interferes with their power grab and overall control
I don't. I don't believe New England would fight. I don't believe Ohio would be on the side of socialists. The illegal aliens won't let Ill fight and Michigan can't afford to fight. Hell, they can't even afford to cut the grass in Detroit. They would have the coastal states with large liberal cities. We would have everything else. I just don't see an 1861 redo.