Steven F. Hayward is the F.K. Weyerhaeuser fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of “The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counter-Revolution, 1980-1989.”
Yes. I have no doubt in my mind. He might’ve considered nominating her as his VP if he’d had the opportunity.
You Betcha!
No doubt in MY mind.
Mitt Romney glorifies him
Say what ???
George Romney hated Ronald Reagan...
Reagan called Romney and his cabal “moderates” who were trying to take over the Republican Party...
Williard Mitt Romney said during a debate in 1994 that he never was a supportor of Reagan...
That while Reagan was president, he (Romney) was an Independant...
Something smacks of political expediency...
and since a Romney is connected with it...
That's how I feel. I like her...but it depends on a lot of things and it's too early to make those decisions...IMO.
I know who I won't vote for...Ron Paul, John McCain, Mike Huckabee to name a few.
I would consider voting for Liz Cheney. I think she is very sharp.
If the left would ignore her, Palin would get the usual attention in-party members give one of their own in between presidential elections and that would be it. Instead rags like WaPo focus everyone on her. And so I say thanks to them.
Palin’s name recognition has gone exponential due to them. And normal folks aren’t buying what they are selling.
So yes, there is a psychological fixation of sorts taking place here, only it’s not the folks on the right who are suffering from it.
You folks on the left, seek help.
So far as I know that was one Congressman.
Could we stick with the truth and not distort it?
He’d send her a jar of jelly beans.
He would crawl over broken glass and through razor wire to do so.
I can't see Reagan taking a back seat to Sarah, if he was eligble to run.
YOU BETCHA Reagan would vote for Sarah, not only vote for her, but campaign for her. I think Ronny would be very proud of Sarah
This was an exceptionally evenhanded article.
I had to be sure that WP actually was the source.
Thanks for posting.
We have Obama literally worshipped by large numbers of indoctrinated and brainwashed people including the mainstream media, schoolchildren made to sing songs to him as if this were North Korea, Obama claiming to masses of credulous, wide-eyed followers that he will “heal the planet” and what does this guy write?
(Glenn Beck w/pipe Harvard voice): “Conservatives are obsessed with Reagan, mmm yesss, mm hum, I fully expect a Gipper anxiety disorder to appear in the next edition of the psychiatrists’ diagnostic manual, ha ha, hee hee! There is nothing to compare this to on the Left today, for conservatives are the helpless ones, mmm, yesss, um hum.”
Michael Reagan wondered if someone similar to his father would come along someday. He then realized his father was one of kind, and told his fellow conservatives to stop looking for another Ronald Reagan to lead the country.
When he first saw Sarah Palin speak at the Republican National Convention in 2008, Michael had a change of heart. Michael said he saw his Dad re-born when Sarah gave her speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. “I saw my Dad re-born, only this time he is a she.”
TIME magazine: Can Palin Be Elected?
For several decades, it has been an article of faith among politicians and political analysts that no candidate can win a U.S. presidential election unless he can dominate the broad center of the spectrum, that all candidates on the edges of the left or right are doomed. Barry Goldwater's "extremism . . . is no vice" campaign of 1964 provides the classic evidence, reinforced by George McGovern's 1972 defeat in 49 out of 50 states. And since G.O.P. Front Runner Sarah Palin relies upon a base of support that is on the far right wing of the Republican Party, some experts have long declared that if she wins the nomination, the G.O.P. would simply be repeating the suicidal Goldwater campaign.
National opinion polls continue to show Obama leading Palin by an apparently comfortable margin of about 25%. They also show that more moderate Republicans like Romney would run better against the President. This suggests that Palin is not the strongest G.O.P. choice for the 2012 election and that she clearly faces an uphill battle.
If popular unhappiness with domestic and world problems finally comes to rest at Obama's doorstep, voters may begin to see all sorts of previously invisible virtues in Sarah Palin.
Palin cannot hope to win, however, unless she moves beyond the hard-line conservative base that has sustained her since she first appeared on the national political scene as a spokesman for McCain himself. She has no experience in Washington politics or foreign affairs. Both Congress and the federal bureaucracy are as unfathomable to her as they were to Obama. Indeed one of Palin's major supporters in the Senate notes that the Alaskan is uncomfortable even visiting Washington.
Worse perhaps than the verbal gaffe is Palin's relentlessly simple-minded discussion of complex problems.
Full disclosure:
I may have changed a few names here and there. It's not actually Gov. Palin this Time Magazine article's talking about here, but Ronald Reagan. Yes, the Gipper was really running 25 points behind Carter as late as March 1980 - a mere eight months before the election. Simple statements, no experience in DC politics or foreign affairs, supported only by the rightwing fringe - completely unelectable, that Reagan fellow, wasn't he?
I think that Reagan was ONE of the most popular and successful Republican Presidents of the 20th Century. He was certainly the most successful President of the second half of the 20th century. I believe that Theodore Roosevelt was the most successful President of the first half of the 20th Century. He was most certainly the most successful president of the first half of the 20th century.