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US conservatives prefer Paul to Palin: poll
AFP on Yahoo ^ | 2/21/10 | AFP

Posted on 02/21/2010 7:20:51 PM PST by NormsRevenge

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A straw poll of US conservative activists saw Texas congressman Ron Paul emerge as the preferred Republican presidential candidate to run against President Barack Obama in 2012.

Some 31 percent of the more than 2,000 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) attendees who participated in the poll voted for the outspoken libertarian.

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, John McCain's running mate in 2008, came in third with 7.0 percent, some way behind former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (22 percent), who had won the CPAC poll for the last three years.

There were boos among the crowd as the name of Paul -- a 74-year-old Texan who ran a short-lived presidential campaign in 2008 and is considered unlikely to be a serious contender for the Republican party?s nomination -- was announced.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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KEYWORDS: 2010polls; birther; bots4barbie; braindeadzombiecult; bravosierra; conservatives; conservativevote; cpac; cpac2010; cpac4paul; cpac4rinos; cpac4romney; heroofcpacpaul; moonbat; palin; palin2012; paulbots; paulestinians; paulkucinich08; paulkucinich12; paulpalinl2; prefer; randpaulky; rino; ronpaul; rupaul; spotthelooney; whiskytangofoxtrot; yoots; youknowhesnuts
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To: NormsRevenge

something stinks to high heaven here. I smell a Donald Segretti from among the ranks of liberal agents provacateur.

61 posted on 02/21/2010 11:24:03 PM PST by AmericanInTokyo (Its time to CLEARLY threaten a huge, middle-class American TAX REVOLT in Tea Party signs & placards)
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To: Rome2000
Romneys crazier than the both of them if he thinks he's getting the nomination.

McCain was the last Republican on earth that most people thought would get the nomination last time out. Rush said that if he got the nomination it would be the end of the Republican party, if I remember correctly.

McCain got it the same way Romney might get it, and if Romney succeeds, he will fail to get the votes of conservatives who are finally getting wise to the futility of winning at any cost. The cost is the loss of limited government conservatism. What does it profit a country to have a Republican as president and lose its limited government soul?

That's not to say Romney would lose the presidency, it only means those who elected him would be leftists who found even Obama's politics a little too extreme.

Romney is poison to the GOP and to the USA. He is very bad news. I am not as sanguine as you, Rome, that Romney will lose the nomination and would loose the presidential election. The only thing I know for sure is that he would forfeit my vote because after 30 years of making the same mistake of voting for big government leftist Republicans, I now refuse to cast any kind of vote except one that will make liberal Republicans LOSE. It is the only way to move the Republican party to the right.

And moving the Republican party to the right, toward limited government conservatism, is the only hope for our freedom and prosperity.

62 posted on 02/22/2010 12:19:10 AM PST by Finny ("Raise hell. Vote smart." -- Ted Nugent.)
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To: NormsRevenge

“US conservatives prefer Paul to Palin: poll”

Some might. I don’t.

63 posted on 02/22/2010 5:24:26 AM PST by RoadTest (Wealth isn't obscene. Poverty is obscene. - Thomas (man of few but dynamite words) Sowell)
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To: pray4liberty
True, but at least Ron Paul was born right here in the USA, for what that's worth!

So were Clinton and Carter.

64 posted on 02/22/2010 6:17:12 AM PST by Ingtar (I closed my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone...)
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To: pray4liberty

Domestically, Ron Paul is very sane. It’s when he starts talking about foreign policy that he goes nuts. We have already learned with Bush that a President who is only conservative on one of those fronts doesn’t really help the cause. Just because 0bama is insane on every issue doesn’t mean being insane on only one is ok.

We know 0bama is dangerous and must be stopped, but we also have to find a suitable replacement.

65 posted on 02/22/2010 6:21:22 AM PST by Republic of Texas (Socialism Always Fails)
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To: Finny
What does it profit a country to have a Republican as president and lose its limited government soul?

Brilliant, as usual, Finny.

66 posted on 02/22/2010 6:32:17 AM PST by b9 (Hi Mom!)
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To: Finny

If the McCain debacle hadn’t occured last time Romney might squeak by as the candidate.

Romney will last until the first time he says on a national stage iin a debate with the other candidates instead of Hannity or Coulter that MassCare is different than what the socialists are trying to do and he’s laughed at, shouted down, and ridiculed into submission.

67 posted on 02/22/2010 7:42:20 AM PST by Rome2000 (OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST CRYPTO-MUSLIM)
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To: NormsRevenge

Bovine Excrement bump!

68 posted on 02/22/2010 10:38:09 AM PST by TexasRepublic (Socialism is the gospel of envy and the religion of thieves)
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To: Rome2000

I hope you’re right!

69 posted on 02/22/2010 3:22:04 PM PST by Finny ("Raise hell. Vote smart." -- Ted Nugent.)
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To: b9
Thanks, you're too kind, as usual!!

Mark Levin is talking cryptically about this now. *sigh*

70 posted on 02/22/2010 3:33:37 PM PST by Finny ("Raise hell. Vote smart." -- Ted Nugent.)
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To: Republic of Texas
We know 0bama is dangerous and must be stopped, but we also have to find a suitable replacement.

So far it doesn't look too promising, if we have to choose between crazy, or corrupt.

71 posted on 02/23/2010 3:53:13 PM PST by pray4liberty
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To: NormsRevenge
The problem with Ron Paul is he really believes in less government. No Republican would support him/that.
72 posted on 02/23/2010 4:04:47 PM PST by Doe Eyes
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