Posted on 01/24/2010 12:26:43 PM PST by ColdOne
Our message is clear: We are planting here, we will stay here, we will build here, this place will be an inseparable part of the State of Israel for eternity," Netanyahu said in the Gush Etzion enclave.
Speaking after meeting U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy in Jerusalem, Netanyahu vowed Israel would also keep its two biggest West Bank settlements, Maale Adumim and Ariel.
His comments came as no surprise to the Palestinians, who were put on notice by
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Some are so unfamiliar with The Book,
they don’t know when The Book is being thrown at them! LOL.
Perhaps as sad . . .
they fail to pick up on some brazenly clear statements of THE FATHER.
And almost as bad . . . they fail to pick up on His repeated nuances about His attitudes and preferences.
His clear statements are overwhelmingly stark towards Israel.
His nuances, however, are also weighty and impressive if one will tune in on them.
He’s somewhat like a doting Grandfather toward Israel . . . yet quick enough to bring out the switch when called for.
Excellent points.
Thanks thanks.
I have no fear.
As to truth, I wrote of it.
I don’t subscribe to religious sub-designations where those sub-designations represent weird sets of contentions.
Is that clearer?
Your rant on the beauty of articulate English is irrelevant.
I own this language, and my statement remains accurate.
Christ's return is getting ever closer, Quix.
Worship Sunday was a sweet time . . . longing for The Lord, face to face.
HOW GREAT THOU ART was used a number of times . . . uncommonly . . . grabbed my heart real tight and shook a lot of tears loose.
And that includes Jews who die without knowing Christ as Savior. God never singled out any group of people as being exempt from His only way of salvation.
That doesn't mean that the Jews are not still His chosen people.
Chosen for alleged marks of favor not accorded to Christians?
That would be daffy, as it would cast acceptance of Christ as a second-tier thing.
I’ve never found it fruitful, nor sensible to try and stuff God into my preconcieved tiny tidy lil ol human box.
Your perspective has no Biblical-Whole-counsel-of-God-of-the-whole-of-Scripture
for the Rev 4:4 Thrones of the Patriarchs AND the Thrones of the Disciples.
That perspective kind of presumes that one has been flushed down the theological/priority toilet.
Scripture records that the 144,000 Jews will be singing a song no others can sing.
That clearly indicates your assertion is false.
The “Book of Revelation” itself is heretical and false.
The real God makes sense.
Your imagined entity does not.
Deuteronomy 7:6 says, "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." This does not mean they are automatically "saved" and will go to Heaven. In order to assurance of eternal life in heaven, one must believe in God's Son, Jesus. Because of God's Promise to redeem the Jews in the end times, Israel will turn to her Messiah and be saved. So, in the meantime, any believers in Jesus are "grafted in" and may partake of the Tree of Life.
Why did God choose the Jewish people?
Not only are the people of Israel special and God's chosen people, but the land is also special. In Deuteronomy 11:12, we read, "It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end." God is working out Israel's salvation from the time of the Old Testament. He desired the Messiah to appear there, and that the church would be formed there.
He has a sound plan for His people and His land. God is bringing about a profound spiritual change to the people, so God's eternal plan will then be worked out for Israel, for the Church, and for the world. It will be worked out in the physical land of Israel and with the people who have returned from all the nations of the earth. The end results will be an eternal age of peace and blessing for all mankind.
So no, the Jews are not "chosen for alleged marks of favor not accorded to Christians". In fact, I would say it's just the opposite. Christians have not been persecuted, run out of nations at the point of a sword or gun, hunted down, and singled out for extermination throughout history like the Jews have.
And, by the way, there is only one way to salvation: Jesus Christ. And there is no group of people to whom that does not apply.
Ahhhhhhhhhh . . .
I have tons of confidence in Holy Spirit’s capacity to guard the Canon and define the Canon over the centuries.
I’ve persistently found that folks claiming to be “Christian” while denying the validity of Revelation or Paul’s writings etc.
to be more than a little deficient in their theology.
They have persistently, over my 63 years, demonstrated a tendency to insist on remaking GOD ALMIGHTY and HIS PRIORITIES
in THEIR image . . . and a rather IDEALIZED UNREAL image of themselves, at that.
Has always been rather underwhelming, to me.
OVERSIGHT PING LIST . . . what cult is it denies the validity of Revelation? I’m not remembering off the top of my head.
You mean "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" (check the first sentence of the book) is heretical and false?
And at what point in your life, exactly, did you reach the point of omnipotence and omniscience that gave you the authority to declare that the book in which Jesus Christ graciously gives fallen mankind detailed information of what will happen during the time He judges the earth is "heretical" and "false"?
I have wondered . . .
Is it inconceivable in these END TIMES . . . that the globalists would . . . increasingly send folks to popular sites like FR
to trash 2ND COMING; DISPENSATIONALIST perspectives on the END TIMES?
I know that in . . . Asia . . . the MOST outlawed and MOST persecuted Christians were those who believe in such Biblical truths—particularly Pentecostals who believe also in Holy Spirit’s active display of His workings in this church era as in Acts 2.
It’s logical—the satanic globalist government folks know that
in contrast to A FORM OF RELIGION THAT DENIES THE POWER THEREOF [As Scripture says—2Tim 3:5]
would be MUCH MORE DANGEROUS to such satanic governmental powers.
And certainly they are very skilled and experienced at sending disruptors to all manner of political sites . . . has it happened yet on FR’s Religion Forum that we can be pretty sure of? Is there a watch for such things?
Just curious.
Oh it’s clear all right.
You should find a name-calling forum. This forum is a discussion forum.
When something that is true is definitively contradicted by a second thing, that second thing shows itself to be false.
That holds true of the heresy called the “Book of Revelation”, which leads directly to this weird Armageddon Theology which has become so prevalent since World War II.
Armageddon Theology (including dispensationalism, dual covenant theology, and any contentions that there is a “chosen people” chosen to reject Christ) is antithetical to Christianity.
Thus, that theology is one of the spotlights showing the heresy called the “Book of Revelation” to itself be false and an affront to true Christianity.
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