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To: Dr. North
The “Book of Revelation” itself is heretical and false.

You mean "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" (check the first sentence of the book) is heretical and false?

And at what point in your life, exactly, did you reach the point of omnipotence and omniscience that gave you the authority to declare that the book in which Jesus Christ graciously gives fallen mankind detailed information of what will happen during the time He judges the earth is "heretical" and "false"?

97 posted on 01/25/2010 2:25:47 PM PST by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: GiovannaNicoletta

When something that is true is definitively contradicted by a second thing, that second thing shows itself to be false.

That holds true of the heresy called the “Book of Revelation”, which leads directly to this weird Armageddon Theology which has become so prevalent since World War II.

Armageddon Theology (including dispensationalism, dual covenant theology, and any contentions that there is a “chosen people” chosen to reject Christ) is antithetical to Christianity.

Thus, that theology is one of the spotlights showing the heresy called the “Book of Revelation” to itself be false and an affront to true Christianity.

100 posted on 01/25/2010 3:08:14 PM PST by Dr. North
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