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Best of Best for 2009 (thus far)
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Posted on 12/24/2009 6:41:16 AM PST by Georgia1

Guy goes into a bar, there's a robot bartender.

The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini." The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "168". The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says," What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini". Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about NASCAR, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini", and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50." The robot leans in real close and says, "So, you people still happy you voted for Obama?"

TOPICS: Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: 2009review; bartender; dontstop; dontstopreposting; iq; keepretelling; obama; oldjokes; repeatthisjoke; repostthis; robot; samejokeoverandover
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To: Lazamataz

Merry Christmas, Laz!

Unless you don’t celebrate it. If so...

Merry Christmas, anyway!

41 posted on 12/24/2009 7:13:18 AM PST by Chasaway (Tonto: "What do you mean "We", White Man?")
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To: Right_Handed_Writer
Парень входит в бар, есть бармен робота. Робот говорит, “Что Вы будете иметь?” Парень говорит, "Мартини". Робот когда-либо возвращает лучшее мартини и говорит человеку, “Каков Ваш IQ?” Парень говорит, “168”. Робот тогда продолжает говорить о физике, исследовании космоса и медицинской технологии.

Парень уезжает, но ему любопытно, таким образом он возвращается в бар. Бармен робота говорит,” Что Вы будете иметь?” Парень говорит, "Мартини". Снова, робот делает большое мартини, дает это человеку и говорит, “Каков Ваш IQ?” Парень говорит, "100". Робот тогда начинает говорить о NASCAR, Budweiser и тракторах Джона Дира.

Парень уезжает, но находит это очень интересным, таким образом он думает, что он попробует это еще раз. Он возвращается в бар. Робот говорит, “Что Вы будете иметь?” Парень говорит, "Мартини", и робот приносит ему другое большое мартини. Робот тогда говорит, “Каков Ваш IQ?” Парень говорит, “Мм, приблизительно 50.” Робот наклоняется в реальном близкий и говорит, “Так, Вы люди, все еще счастливые, Вы голосовали за Обаму?”

42 posted on 12/24/2009 7:13:51 AM PST by Lazamataz (DEFINITION: rac-ist (rA'sis't) 1. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal about any topic.)
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To: savedbygrace

In Swedish:

Gooy gues intu a ber, zeere-a’s a rubut bertender. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Zee rubut seys, “Vhet veell yuoo hefe-a?” Zee gooy seys, “Merteeni.” Zee rubut breengs beck zee best merteeni ifer und seys tu zee mun, “Vhet’s yuoor IQ?” Zee gooy seys, “168”. Zee rubut zeen pruceeds tu telk ebuoot physeecs, spece-a ixplureshun und medeecel technulugy. Bork bork bork! Zee gooy leefes, boot he-a is cooreeuoos, su he-a gues beck intu zee ber. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Zee rubut bertender seys,” Vhet veell yuoo hefe-a?” Zee gooy seys, “Merteeni”. Egeeen, zee rubut mekes a greet merteeni, geefes it tu zee mun und seys, “Vhet’s yuoor IQ?” Zee gooy seys, “100.” Zee rubut zeen sterts tu telk ebuoot NESCER, Boodveeeser und Juhn Deere-a trecturs. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Zee gooy leefes, boot feends it fery interesteeng, su he-a theenks he-a veell try it oone-a mure-a teeme-a. He-a gues beck intu zee ber. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Zee rubut seys, “Vhet veell yuoo hefe-a?” Zee gooy seys, “Merteeni”, und zee rubut breengs heem unuzeer greet merteeni. Zee rubut zeen seys, “Vhet’s yuoor IQ?” Zee gooy seys, “Uh, ebuoot 50.” Zee rubut leuns in reel cluse-a und seys, “Su, yuoo peuple-a steell heppy yuoo futed fur Oobema?”

43 posted on 12/24/2009 7:13:53 AM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: Lazamataz
Guy jde do baru, tam to robot barman. Robot říká: "Co si dáte?" Ten chlap říká, "Martini." Robot oživuje stále nejlepší martini a řekl muž, "Jaká je vaše IQ?" Ten chlap říká: "168". Robot pak pokračuje mluvit o fyziku, průzkum vesmíru a zdravotnické techniky.

Chlap opustí, ale on je zvědavý, a tak se vrátí do baru. Robot barman říká: "Co si dáte?" Ten chlap říká: "Martini". Opět platí, že robot je velmi martini, že je dává, muž a říká: "Jaká je vaše IQ?" Ten chlap říká, "100". Robot pak se začíná mluvit o NASCAR, Budějovický a John Deere traktory.

Chlap opustí, ale zjistí, že je velmi zajímavé, a tak si myslí, že se pokusí ještě jednou. On se vrátí do baru. Robot říká: "Co si dáte?" Ten chlap říká: "Martini", a robot mu přináší další skvělou martini. Robot pak říká: "Jaká je vaše IQ?" Ten chlap říká: "Hm, asi 50". Robot naklání v opravdu blízko, a říká: "Takže vy lidé stále rádi jste hlasovali pro Obamu?"

Game over!

44 posted on 12/24/2009 7:13:53 AM PST by don-o (My son, Ben - Marine Lance Corporal is in Iraq.)
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To: Lazamataz

The Sam Kinison version.

45 posted on 12/24/2009 7:14:29 AM PST by Jagdgewehr (The GOP faithful want me to believe I have only two voting options......"bad" and "worse")
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To: Lazamataz

I’ve heard that one before somewhere.

46 posted on 12/24/2009 7:14:36 AM PST by MARTIAL MONK (I'm waiting for the POP!)
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To: don-o

3 simultaneous translations - this thing is going international at light speed!

47 posted on 12/24/2009 7:15:06 AM PST by don-o (My son, Ben - Marine Lance Corporal is in Iraq.)
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To: PetroniusMaximus

Senor entra en una barra, hay un camarero de robot.
¿El robot dice, “Qué tendrá usted?” El tipo dice, “Martini”. ¿El robot devuelve el mejor martini alguna vez y dice al hombre, “Cuál es su CI?” El tipo dice, “168”. El robot entonces se pone a hablar de física, exploración espacial y tecnología médica.

Senor se marcha, pero él es curioso, entonces él vuelve en la barra. ¿El camarero de robot dice,” Qué tendrá usted?” El tipo dice, “Martini”. ¿Otra vez, el robot hace un gran martini, lo da al hombre y dice, “Cuál es su CI?” El tipo dice, “100”. El robot entonces comienza a hablar de NASCAR, Budweiser y tractores de John Deere.

Senor se marcha, pero lo encuentra muy interesante, entonces él piensa que él lo intentará una vez más. Él vuelve en la barra. ¿El robot dice, “Qué tendrá usted?” El tipo dice, “Martini”, y el robot le trae otro gran martini. ¿El robot entonces dice, “Cuál es su CI?” El tipo dice, “Uh, aproximadamente 50. ¿” el robot se inclina en verdadero cercano y dice, “De este modo, usted la gente todavía feliz usted votó por Obama?”

48 posted on 12/24/2009 7:15:16 AM PST by Lazamataz (DEFINITION: rac-ist (rA'sis't) 1. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal about any topic.)
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To: Lazamataz

Guy goes into a baw, thewe’s a wobot bawtendew. De wobot says, “What wiww you have?” De guy says, “Mawtini.” De wobot bwings back the best mawtini evew and says to the man, “What’s youw IQ?” De guy says, “168”. De wobot then pwoceeds to tawk about physics, space expwowation and medicaw technowogy. De guy weaves, but he is cuwious, so he goes back into the baw. De wobot bawtendew says,” What wiww you have?” De guy says, “Mawtini”. Again, the wobot makes a gweat mawtini, gives it to the man and says, “What’s youw IQ?” De guy says, “100.” De wobot then stawts to tawk about NASCAW, Budweisew and John Deewe twactows. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! De guy weaves, but finds it vewy intewesting, so he thinks he wiww twy it one mowe time. He goes back into the baw. De wobot says, “What wiww you have?” De guy says, “Mawtini”, and the wobot bwings him anothew gweat mawtini. De wobot then says, “What’s youw IQ?” De guy says, “Uh, about 50.” De wobot weans in weaw cwose and says, “So, you peopwe stiww happy you voted fow Obama?”

49 posted on 12/24/2009 7:16:04 AM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: don-o

Kerl tritt in eine Bar ein, es gibt einen Roboter-Barmann.
Der Roboter, sagt “Was werden Sie haben?” Der Kerl, sagt “Martini”. Der Roboter bringt den besten Martini jemals zurück und sagt dem Mann, “Wie ist Ihr IQ?” Der Kerl, sagt “168”. Der Roboter fährt dann fort, über die Physik, Raumerforschung und medizinische Technologie zu sprechen.

Der Kerl reist ab, aber er ist neugierig, so geht er in die Bar zurück. Der Roboter-Barmann, sagt” Was werden Sie haben?” Der Kerl, sagt “Martini”. Wieder macht der Roboter einen großen Martini, gibt es dem Mann und sagt, “Wie ist Ihr IQ?” Der Kerl, sagt “100”. Der Roboter fängt dann an, über NASCAR, Budweiser und Traktoren von John Deere zu sprechen.

Der Kerl reist ab, aber findet es sehr interessant, so denkt er, dass er es noch einmal versuchen wird. Er geht in die Bar zurück. Der Roboter, sagt “Was werden Sie haben?” Der Kerl, sagt “Martini”, und der Roboter bringt ihm einen anderen großen Martini. Der Roboter sagt dann, “Wie ist Ihr IQ?” Der Kerl, sagt “Uh, ungefähr 50.” Der Roboter neigt sich in echt nah und sagt, “also, Sie noch glückliche Leute stimmten Sie für Obama?”

50 posted on 12/24/2009 7:16:14 AM PST by Lazamataz (DEFINITION: rac-ist (rA'sis't) 1. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal about any topic.)
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To: Lazamataz

—. ..- -.— —. -— . ... .. -. - -— .- -... .- .-. —..— - .... . .-. . ... .- .-. -— -... -— - -... .- .-. - . -. -.. . .-. .-.-.- - .... . .-. -— -... -— - ... .- -.— ... —..— .— .... .- - .— .. .-.. .-.. -.— -— ..- .... .- ...- . ..—.. - .... . —. ..- -.— ... .- -.— ... —..— — .- .-. - .. -. .. .-.-.- - .... . .-. -— -... -— - -... .-. .. -. —. ... -... .- -.-. -.- - .... . -... . ... - — .- .-. - .. -. .. . ...- . .-. .- -. -.. ... .- -.— ... - -— - .... . — .- -. —..— .— .... .- - ... -.— -— ..- .-. .. —.- ..—.. - .... . —. ..- -.— ... .- -.— ... —..— .—— -.... -—.. .-.-.- - .... . .-. -— -... -— - - .... . -. .—. .-. -— -.-. . . -.. ... - -— - .- .-.. -.- .- -... -— ..- - .—. .... -.— ... .. -.-. ... —..— ... .—. .- -.-. . . -..- .—. .-.. -— .-. .- - .. -— -. .- -. -.. — . -.. .. -.-. .- .-.. - . -.-. .... -. -— .-.. -— —. -.— .-.-.-

- .... . —. ..- -.— .-.. . .- ...- . ... —..— -... ..- - .... . .. ... -.-. ..- .-. .. -— ..- ... —..— ... -— .... . —. -— . ... -... .- -.-. -.- .. -. - -— - .... . -... .- .-. .-.-.- - .... . .-. -— -... -— - -... .- .-. - . -. -.. . .-. ... .- -.— ... —..— .— .... .- - .— .. .-.. .-.. -.— -— ..- .... .- ...- . ..—.. - .... . —. ..- -.— ... .- -.— ... —..— — .- .-. - .. -. .. .-.-.- .- —. .- .. -. —..— - .... . .-. -— -... -— - — .- -.- . ... .- —. .-. . .- - — .- .-. - .. -. .. —..— —. .. ...- . ... .. - - -— - .... . — .- -. .- -. -.. ... .- -.— ... —..— .— .... .- - ... -.— -— ..- .-. .. —.- ..—.. - .... . —. ..- -.— ... .- -.— ... —..— .—— -—— -—— .-.-.- - .... . .-. -— -... -— - - .... . -. ... - .- .-. - ... - -— - .- .-.. -.- .- -... -— ..- - -. .- ... -.-. .- .-. —..— -... ..- -.. .— . .. ... . .-. .- -. -.. .-— -— .... -. -.. . . .-. . - .-. .- -.-. - -— .-. ... .-.-.-

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51 posted on 12/24/2009 7:16:32 AM PST by Tijeras_Slim (Live jubtabulously!)
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To: Lazamataz

A priest, a Baptist pastor and a rabbi walk into a bar.

The bartender says, “What is this, some kind of joke?”

The rabbi says: No, you’re telling it wrong. Listen, Guy goes into a bar, there’s a robot bartender. The robot says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Martini.” The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “168”. The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says,” What will you have?” The guy says, “Martini”. Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “100.” The robot then starts to talk about NASCAR, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, “What will you have?” The guy says, “Martini”, and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?” The guy says, “Uh, about 50.” The robot leans in real close and says, “So, you people still happy you voted for Obama?”

52 posted on 12/24/2009 7:16:43 AM PST by savedbygrace (You are only leading if someone follows. Otherwise, you just wandered off... [Smokin' Joe])
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To: Lazamataz
”¿ɐɯɐqo ɹoɟ pǝʇoʌ noʎ ʎddɐɥ 11ıʇs ǝ1doǝd noʎ 'os“ 'sʎɐs puɐ ǝso1ɔ 1ɐǝɹ uı suɐǝ1 ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ ”.05 ʇnoqɐ 'ɥn“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿bı ɹnoʎ s’ʇɐɥʍ“ 'sʎɐs uǝɥʇ ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ .ıuıʇɹɐɯ ʇɐǝɹb ɹǝɥʇouɐ ɯıɥ sbuıɹq ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ puɐ '”ıuıʇɹɐɯ“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿ǝʌɐɥ noʎ 11ıʍ ʇɐɥʍ“ 'sʎɐs ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ .ɹɐq ǝɥʇ oʇuı ʞɔɐq sǝob ǝɥ .ǝɯıʇ ǝɹoɯ ǝuo ʇı ʎɹʇ 11ıʍ ǝɥ sʞuıɥʇ ǝɥ os 'buıʇsǝɹǝʇuı ʎɹǝʌ ʇı spuıɟ ʇnq 'sǝʌɐǝ1 ʎnb ǝɥʇ .sɹoʇɔɐɹʇ ǝɹǝǝp uɥoظ puɐ ɹǝsıǝʍpnq 'ɹɐɔsɐu ʇnoqɐ ʞ1ɐʇ oʇ sʇɹɐʇs uǝɥʇ ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ ”.001“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿bı ɹnoʎ s’ʇɐɥʍ“ 'sʎɐs puɐ uɐɯ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʇı sǝʌıb 'ıuıʇɹɐɯ ʇɐǝɹb ɐ sǝʞɐɯ ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ 'uıɐbɐ .”ıuıʇɹɐɯ“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿ǝʌɐɥ noʎ 11ıʍ ʇɐɥʍ ”'sʎɐs ɹǝpuǝʇɹɐq ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ .ɹɐq ǝɥʇ oʇuı ʞɔɐq sǝob ǝɥ os 'snoıɹnɔ sı ǝɥ ʇnq 'sǝʌɐǝ1 ʎnb ǝɥʇ .ʎbo1ouɥɔǝʇ 1ɐɔıpǝɯ puɐ uoıʇɐɹo1dxǝ ǝɔɐds 'sɔısʎɥd ʇnoqɐ ʞ1ɐʇ oʇ spǝǝɔoɹd uǝɥʇ ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ .”861“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿bı ɹnoʎ s’ʇɐɥʍ“ 'uɐɯ ǝɥʇ oʇ sʎɐs puɐ ɹǝʌǝ ıuıʇɹɐɯ ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ ʞɔɐq sbuıɹq ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ ”.ıuıʇɹɐɯ“ 'sʎɐs ʎnb ǝɥʇ ”¿ǝʌɐɥ noʎ 11ıʍ ʇɐɥʍ“ 'sʎɐs ʇoqoɹ ǝɥʇ .ɹǝpuǝʇɹɐq ʇoqoɹ ɐ s’ǝɹǝɥʇ 'ɹɐq ɐ oʇuı sǝob ʎnb
53 posted on 12/24/2009 7:17:07 AM PST by reagan_fanatic (Socialism is hip until somebody loses a paycheck)
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To: Tijeras_Slim

Nobody can top that one.

54 posted on 12/24/2009 7:17:17 AM PST by savedbygrace (You are only leading if someone follows. Otherwise, you just wandered off... [Smokin' Joe])
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To: Tijeras_Slim

guy goes I|\|toa bar, tehr’es a orbot b4rtEnder t3h robot saaYs, “whsat wwill you ahve?!?!? ololo ” THH EGUY SAYS, “M4RITnI ” teh orbb0t briNgs baXOr ther bets martini evaR and says to the man, “whaT’z yOur iq??????????????? ” THE GuY SAYS, “l68”!!!!!1 ”teh orbot tehn procEed to ta7k about phys1cz ,space explkrooaytoon and medical twchnol0gy// teH guy leaves, btu he i curiouz, so he goe sbax0r intoi teh bar!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ the robot bart3ndeer says,,” what iwll you ahv!??? ” TH3 GUY SYS, “MARTiNI”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ AGAINJ, TEJH OERBOT MAKES A GRATE MARTiNI, GIVES IT TO TEh MAN AND SAYs, “WHAT’S UR 1Q??????? ” TEH GUY SAYZ, “100 ” the robot tehn Starts to talk about Nascar, buudwieser and j0hjNd eerte rtractorZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ teh guyl eaves, but findfs It vary intEresting, so he thinks he will try ti one more time~~~~~~~ 1 W1ll AHCK b3cause I wiLl ahck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ come 2 ym ftp becauz u r 7am3 h egoes baX0r intO rteh bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ the robott sasys, “what wil you ahve??????????????????? ” the guy says, “martini”, aNd rthe orbot brings hm anotehr grate msrti|\|i, the orbot then Sayz, “wha’tz yor iq?????????????? loll~~ ” the guy sAys, “uH, about 50,,, I OWN J00 cuz you suck ” teh Robgot 7eans in rwal close and sayz, s“o, y0u 7amers sitll ahppy u voted for obama!?!??!?!?!? loololololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ ”

55 posted on 12/24/2009 7:17:28 AM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: Lazamataz

Guy yn mynd i mewn i far, yna bartender robot. Mae’r robot yn dweud, “Beth fyddwch chi’n ei gael?” The guy meddai, “Martini.” Mae’r robot yn dod yn ôl y Martini gorau erioed ac yn dweud i’r dyn, “Beth yw eich IQ?” The guy meddai, “168”. Mae’r robot mynd yn ei flaen wedyn i siarad am ffiseg, archwilio gofod a thechnoleg feddygol.

Y dyn yn gadael, ond mae’n rhyfedd, felly mae’n mynd yn ôl i’r bar. Mae’r bartender robot yn dweud, “Beth fyddwch chi’n ei gael?” The guy meddai, “Martini”. Unwaith eto, mae’r robot yn gwneud Martini gwych, yn rhoi i’r dyn ac yn dweud, “Beth yw eich IQ?” The guy meddai, “100.” Mae’r robot wedyn yn dechrau i siarad am NASCAR, Budweiser a John Deere tractorau.

Y dyn yn gadael, ond yn ei chael hi’n ddiddorol iawn, felly mae’n credu y bydd yn ei brofi yn un mwy o amser. Mae’n mynd yn ôl i’r bar. Mae’r robot yn dweud, “Beth fyddwch chi’n ei gael?” The guy meddai, “Martini”, a robot yn dod iddo arall Martini mawr. Mae’r robot yna meddai, “Beth yw eich IQ?” The guy meddai, “UH, tua 50.” Mae’r leans robot yn agos go iawn ac yn dweud, “Felly, byddwch yn dal yn anfodlon o bobl ydych wedi pleidleisio dros Obama?”

56 posted on 12/24/2009 7:17:39 AM PST by don-o (My son, Ben - Marine Lance Corporal is in Iraq.)
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To: savedbygrace

John Kerry walks into a bar.

The bartender looks at him and says, “Why the long face?”

57 posted on 12/24/2009 7:18:10 AM PST by PreciousLiberty (In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not.)
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To: savedbygrace


58 posted on 12/24/2009 7:19:03 AM PST by don-o (My son, Ben - Marine Lance Corporal is in Iraq.)
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To: PetroniusMaximus
คนเข้าไปในแถบนี้มีหุ่นยนต์บาร์เทนเดอร์. หุ่นยนต์ที่กล่าวว่า"สิ่งที่คุณจะมีคําถาม"ทําไมคนกล่าวว่า" martini "การนำกลับมาหุ่นยนต์ martini ที่ดีที่สุดและไม่เคยพูดกับชายผู้นั้นมันเกิดอะไรขึ้น IQ tests ของคุณ?""คนกล่าวว่า" 168 ” จากนั้นก็หุ่นยนต์ที่ได้ทำให้พูดเกี่ยวกับวิชาฟิสิกส์,พื้นที่ทางการแพทย์การสำรวจและเทคโนโลยี. "คนใบ,แต่เขาเป็นเรื่องแปลกอย่างนั้นเขาไปยังกลับเข้าไปในบาร์ หุ่นยนต์ในบาร์เทนเดอร์กล่าวว่า"สิ่งที่คุณจะมีคําถาม"ทําไมคนกล่าวว่า" martini ” อีกครั้งที่ทำให้เป็นหุ่นยนต์ martini ใหญ่และทำให้มันไปให้คนแล้วบอกว่า“เธอ IQ tests ?""คนกล่าวว่า" 100 "หุ่นยนต์จากนั้นก็เริ่มที่จะพูดถึงเรื่องการแข่งขันในครั้งนี้ nascar และจอห์น deere รถแทรกเตอร์. คนใบแต่พบว่ามันน่าสนใจมากดังนั้นเขาจึงคิดว่าเขาจะลองใช้มันมากกว่าหนึ่งครั้ง เขาไปยังกลับเข้าไปในบาร์ หุ่นยนต์ที่กล่าวว่า"สิ่งที่คุณจะมีคําถาม"ทําไมคนกล่าวว่า" martini ",และการนำตัวเขาหุ่นยนต์ martini ยิ่งใหญ่อีกแห่งหนึ่ง. หุ่นยนต์ที่ว่า“เธอ IQ tests ?""คนกล่าวว่า",ประมาณ 50 "ที่แท้จริงใน leans หุ่นยนต์ปิดและกล่าวว่า"อย่างนั้นคุณคนยังคงมีความสุขคุณมีคะแนนเสียงวุฒิสมาชิกโอบา?"
59 posted on 12/24/2009 7:20:22 AM PST by Lazamataz (DEFINITION: rac-ist (rA'sis't) 1. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal about any topic.)
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To: All

Ah nuts, I was taking a shower and didn’t hear the joke. What happened?

60 posted on 12/24/2009 7:21:00 AM PST by 3catsanadog (If healthcare reform is passed, 41 years old will be the new 65 YO.)
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