Posted on 12/08/2009 11:05:18 AM PST by americanophile
President Obama used his speech rolling out a stimulus-style jobs program Tuesday to point the finger at Republicans for allegedly facilitating the economic crisis and then foisting it off on his administration to solve.
While praising his own team for pioneering "ambitious" financial reform and "sweeping" economic recovery initiatives, the president took some pointed shots at Republicans who are now blasting the latest package as a spend-crazy "stimulus two" that will drill deeper into the deficit.
"We were forced to take those steps (to jump-start the economy) largely without the help of an opposition party which, unfortunately, after having presided over the decision-making that had led to the crisis, decided to hand it over to others to solve," Obama said, starting his address with a history lesson on the roots of the recession.
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He must have nightmares about patriots putting him on trial.
I suspect you are dead-bang right about this. He himself has decided to break with 230 yrs. tradition and is trying to put his own political opponents on trial, so I don’t doubt he lives in great fear of the day the political tides turn and the hunter once again becomes the hunted.
But hey, those who live by third-world politics.....
You bet this is a big problem especially among our youth. The minimum wage increases do nothing for those that are already working for it. All that happens is that hours are cut so the workers never see a raise or they are laid off. Go to your local Kroger and see all the U-scan machines and two checkers working when there used to be six.
The dirty little secret about the minumum wage is that most union contracts are negotiated as pay is a percentage above the minimum wage. Minimum wage increases are essentially a pay off to the unions.
“....the opposition party....” now those are words of a true UNITER. NOT
Well, the long Depression that FDR presided over was completely Herbert Hoover's fault. The Left has been pushing that for over 70 years.
The Left does not recognize "shared responsibility" for any problem that builds up over time. I see it here on FR as well. Economic trouble? Well, blame Bush. Any discussion of Democrat mistakes, or Democrat involvement is off the table! No! No! Bush was involved! Let's talk about Bush!
How long do these little weasel farts in the wind plan to use the blame Bush line. Repetition may be fine for Marxists but we Capitalists are over it. Better find a new patsy, fellas. Your mantra is old, irresponsible and lame.
And how pointless: the financial results of most small businesses are folded into the 1040's of their owners and are not public stock companies, which would be the only kind to benefit from a capital gains tax reduction. So, the president offers something that may make people pause, but which will actually do little if any good at all. Rather Obamanistic, if I may coin a word. Far better would be to retain the Bush tax levels, if nothing better.
BTW, Boortz covered all this in his final hour today.
I saw that and I wanted to barf. That shows that Bill O’Reilly really does not have a clue. I am beginning to think that New York is so out of touch with the rest of the country and they live in this liberal bubble where they can’t find their butts with both hands.
It seems that the entire East Coast corridor from DC to Maine is out of touch.
Obama doesn't want the job. He just wants the power and the perks.
That’s true but at least the Republicans could say the Democrats blocked all legislation to regulate Fannie and Freddie. Hang it on their necks.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Most small businesses are LLC’s. Want to help them? CUT INCOME TAXES, cut overregulation, stopping paying off the unions with min wage hikes (all it is - see poster above), and STOP WASTING OUR MONEY!
Once again the petulant child speaks.
Call the whaaaaaambulance...they’re crying again!#!!
It’s always somebody elses fault.
This arrogant, self-serving speech had me screaming at the TV this morning and I composed an email to the WH and then thought better of it. I worry about the IRS being sicked on me by these thugs.
Whaaa. Whaaa. He did it. It was Bushs' fault.
No, it was the stupid idea of forcing banks to give loans to left wing freeloaders. Oboma, being immature and unqualified, spent a trillion dollars to try to fix his own parties mess - by giving the freeloaders even more!
He thought the right wingers would keep on working overtime, hiring, borrowing, and spending to help him and his party bail themselves out of their self inflicted hell on earth.
Too bad for them. We decided not go out of our way to help. It's time we started to care for own own families first.
Let the left eat cake. They created it. Let them solve it.
“Whats the shelf life of the Blame Bush line ??”
Four years.
Maybe they're not nightmares. Maybe they're premonitions.
It could be from all those White House parties. An active night life like that can really wear a psudo-president down.
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